Shadows of the past (8/9)

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The man sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "And?"

The demon widely opened his arms in an angry manner. "And? What and? I don't know why, but she obviously nurtured me back to health!" How could this person's reaction be so bland? He was a demon!! That's... That's not a small matter one can simply shrug off!

The man averted his eyes for a moment. "Every brain cell is screaming at me to run away. I know what means to encounter demon; a certain death. Yet we are in this impossible situation." His eyes weren't full of fear more like... he was thinking, watching him... evaluating.

"Good, for a moment I thought humanity forgot." The demon put hands on the hips, rolling his eyes. This conversation was driving him crazy, yet it was interesting. To be honest, he had never met a human to talk with him in such calm manner. Was it because this man had no fear of death? No... everyone is scared to die... especially if an intense pain is involved.

"It's not like I wanted to help you, but my granddaughter did it anyway." He kept watching him with wary eyes yet the feeling of calmness was still present.

The demon decided to keep talking. Both mortals were interested in their respective ways. "She must be pretty brainless." He couldn't help to roll his eyes again.

The old hedgehog frowned upon hearing that remark. "I warmed her, but she insisted. I still don't know how she convinced me. But I wish for you to appreciate her gesture and leave this place."

"And skip a tasty meal?" The ebony demon licked his lips. Just because he was interested in them, didn't mean he won't devour them in the future. Especially her. She was worthy of his time and stomach.

The orangish hedgehog strongly knitted eyebrows, clenching his fists. There was no doubt he had no combat abilities much less experience. The smell around told the demon this mortal spent a lot of time in a laboratory or some similar institute. But even such easy prey could show some backbone, making the hunt enjoyable. They started to stare at each other, deep in their own thoughts.

"Shadow!!" shouted the blond lass, sliding the curtain away.

The ebony demon bristled and hissed, jumping, and latching onto the ceiling. Her grandpa almost got a heart attack, holding his chest and having a need to lean against the wall. The young girl looked around puzzled. "Did I interrupt something?" In her hands was a bread basket covered with a cloth.

"Why did you return, Maria?" Her grandpa tried to calm his heart and breathing. "I thought you were going to prepare yourself for the festival."

"I was," she jolly said. "But had I met our good neighbor and she gave me four slices of her freshly baked famous pie." She put the cloth away, revealing nice smelling slices filled with apples. "And sharing is caring, right?"

Shadow's eyes were wide like plates. 'That girl...' He gritted his teeth feeling his third eye was twitching. He couldn't decide if that was clever scheme or just her childish personality.

He watched her how she put it on the table, covering it again, before dashing out. "I have to go now!"

Shadow leaped down, snorting, trying to get that sweet smell out of his nose, but it was filled to the brim in the next second. He never had an interest in human meals, but this one was tempting him.

Maria's grandpa sighed, having a small smile on his face, but that was gone once he looked at the demon. "As I said, please, leave once you are healed." The old man left the cave and not even once he had looked back.

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