Rose & Thorns (3/8) - r

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When the bell rung half-past twelve, a delayed train finally reached its destination. It was impatiently awaited by many people, some were using the public phones to inform their families, friends, or coworkers about the delay, others were reading newspapers acquiesced with the extra time.

The iron horse finally stopped, and a crowd of people walked out.

"Finally!" barked Silver, once he touched solid ground.

They were supposed to arrive more than an hour ago, but the train had a mechanical problem on the rail. They had to wait for the emergency repairs to be done, however, even then the train moved slowly. If there was one thing the psychic hated more than demons, it was waiting.

Gold stood next to him, adjusting her attire. "Let's visit the branch to get our usual house," suggested his partner.

"That will be the best." He nodded, heading to the exit, but before they reached it, he switched to telepathy. "Gold?"

"Yes?" she inquired. Whenever he started a conversation this way, it meant he was serious.

"Don't tell anyone why we are here." He frowned a bit as he had to stop as to not trip over a running child that got in his way. Kids were also on the list of things he disliked.

"You don't want anyone to get in your way, right?" Gold noted.

"Yeah, they would be just a burden." Silver strongly snorted.

"Even me?" She looked away.

Those words shocked Silver to the point he almost tripped. "Wh-Wha? No-No, you are not a burden!"

His hands started to widely gesticulate, making quite a group of people interested in him. After all, for them this wordless spectacle was hilarious.

Even if the exorcist knew about their eyes, he would ignore them. "You are my partner! The only person I completely trust! Really!" He felt stupid for not thinking about her.

Gold slightly smiled, feeling better. "I only wish I could do more for you. I don't mind if you get another partner for this job. My combat abilities are insufficient after all."

They reached the pavement in front of the station, stopping at the edge to call droshky. They didn't need to wait for one for too long, as this place was always in need of quick transport.

Once the cab stopped, they got on, and Silver said, "Take us to Central Street 123, please." He handed the driver some money in advance, making the man happy.

"No problem, sir," answered the cat driver. "Yip, yip," he called his horse, and the animal started to gallop.

Silver resumed his silent conversation with his tenrec partner. "No, Gold, you have helped me more than any combat oriented exorcist would. You taught me how to lay barriers and special patterns to capture demons. You have stayed by my side all these years despite me being such a jerk most of the time." He felt a blush on his face. It wasn't often he admitted his temper wasn't the best.

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