The Morning after the Nightmare (5/5) - R

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They reached the branch office after a short time, but for the psychic waiting for the results, it was like an eternity. He hated waiting, and how could simple question about the black hedgehog priest be taking them so long anyway? He was now sure the personnel here sucked.

But there was nothing he could do about it, only sit in the relaxing area, reading newspapers, and tapping his foot. Thankfully, Gold was a lot better when it came to patience. She welcomed this forced break and used it to clear her mind.

 She welcomed this forced break and used it to clear her mind

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After two hours, the raccoon clerk, in charge of their request, signaled them she had it ready. Silver tossed the newspapers away, not caring where it fell and dashed to the desk.

"The person you asked for doesn't exist," the office woman informed him.

"What do you mean he doesn't exist!" Silver barked at her, banging his hand against the desk.

Gold, who was standing next to him, gently pushed him aside. "May you be more specific?"

The psychic slightly growled. There were times when he had a really short temper.

The clerk cleared her throat. "I mean, this black hedgehog is not registered in our archive as an agent of The Order." She adjusted her glasses. "We were only able to find out about the gun."

The impatient young man was surprised. No information about their agent but something for the gun? There was something fishy going on!

The clerk continued, "Well, it belonged to agent Blue, who went missing more than eight years ago and is presumed dead." She put a folder on the desk that held the gathered intel.

The exorcist picked the papers describing his senior. The agent Blue was known for great attributions to The Order and was generally considered to be one of their top soldiers.

'How did that black hedgehog get the gun then? Did agent Blue give it to him?'

He had found it unlikely; it was making no sense. Giving such weapon away was breaking the rules, not to mention it was considered treason. There was a lot of stuff the public wasn't aware regarding The Order, the demon hunting part being one of them. Each agent had to take an oath never reveal anything.

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