Choosing a path (5/11)

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 It wasn't like he wasn't allowed to use public lines, but for security reason, it wasn't recommended to do so. Not to mention, he was intending to call a very special person. Once there he asked Blaze for the key to the phone-booth. It was quickly handed to him and he headed to the left side of the room, going thru doors and picking one booth from six present.

Two were occupied, but all he could see was a light indicating so. No one, not even agents, could hear and see what was happening inside, giving it perfect sense of privacy. He closed the door behind, picking the earpiece and dialing the right number sequence.

Once done he could hear the familiar tone to ring for three times before the call was picked on the other side. "Who is calling?" asked the male voice.

"Agent Silver speaking," he announced without any emotion.

"But of course, who else would call me when I'm about to wrap it up here."

"You said it that last time too... and it was the midnight," he argued but there was a hint of a small smile as the left mouth corner curled up.

"I suppose. So, what made you call me at this number?"

"What would you say, if I informed you I have a candidate for an agent?"

"That would be splendid, but... there must be something special about this person since you are calling me."

The silver hedgehog smirked. "Of course, this person has a potential to be S rank..."

"That is a good news!"

"... in less than four years, if my evaluation is correct." He couldn't stop grinning as he heard the other person gasp for an air.

"That would be more than a wonderful news! The number of S-grate agents is stagnating the past 10 years."

"I know... so, what about two of them?" He made sure to check his nails with a wild grin.

"Now you are teasing me!" shouted the other man, but there was excitement in his voice. "Tell me more!"

"I can't do that. I'll let you see their abilities with your own eyes."

"You realize I can take your paycheck as a hostage, do you?"

"So?" He knew he didn't mean it seriously. He was just trying to repay him for that teasing.

"Alright. I'll wait. When you will arrive?"

"In about three days, if there won't be any delays. But I have more," he added at the end, clearly imagining the other's reaction.

"Did you hit a gold mine?" the male voice exclaimed.

'More like stepped into a wasp nest,' thought the psychic, but refrain from mentioning it. "Let's say, this person is really interesting individual and if the info we got is correct. We may have new clues regarding The Emerald Coast massacre," his voice went silent despite there being a perfect barrier around each booth.

The line was silent for a bit. "I'll be waiting," said the voice as many thoughts must have swirled in his head.

"Once we reach the Albion city, I'll call you again."

"Good, these three days will be long."

'I can't agree more,' added in his mind Silver before ending the call and hanging up. He left the telephone room, seeing new boxes were lightened up and the old ones not. He returned the key, deciding to take a small walk, mentally preparing his brain to spend days with that pink hellcat.

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