New Path (2/4) - R

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Shadow knew it, but still not doing it would hurt him more.

His voice trembled as he spoke, "Sonic, can you stay by my side... I'm scared, I'll go insane."

That was the truth.

This bare truth was haunting him for days now.

"I will," Sonic answered firmly.

The ebony hedgehog let out a loud sigh; a huge burden fell from his heart. They were holding each other for a while before a growling sound interrupted them.

"Now, this is embarrassing," mumbled the priest, slowly standing up, not feeling his legs. His stomach rumbled once more. "Let's have something for a snack."

"Yeah!" Sonic's eyes were a bit red from all the crying, but his face was bright. Together they went downstairs to order a simple dish, after all, neither of them enjoyed the lunch.

They were silent while eating, but this time it wasn't suffocating. The priest felt better and was grateful to the boy for sticking with him despite his uncertain condition. But it wasn't like he didn't feel any uneasiness, traveling with Sonic would undoubtedly put the boy in danger, whether it would come from him or from real demons.

And thinking about demons, he wondered what happened to the one he had fought.

'Wait!' he suddenly thought as he bit the fork. 'My gun! It's still in the abandoned factory!' He took the fork out slowly, chewing mashed potatoes. 'I should have returned to get it,' he sighed, 'but my head was one big mess.' His ears drooped a bit. 'And that demon... should be dead.'

Even if his memories were fuzzy, he was sure those injuries the demon sustained were too severe. The priest glanced at Sonic, who was stuffing his face and decided not to ponder about it anymore. It was in the past, and there were more important matters to concentrate on.

 It was in the past, and there were more important matters to concentrate on

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However, neither of them had any idea that the demon was, even at this very moment, still alive, slowly healing. He had left the town with his pets, but that was just the beginning of their journey.

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