Rose & Thorns (6/8) - r

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If these men weren't so full of themselves, they might have noticed something was about to happen behind the scene while Shadow was distracting them. On the roof was Sonic shaking in his sneakers, nervous, and panic slowly filled his body. He was looking at Amy who was probably talking with the boar man, but he had a hard time to hear their words.

"How unusual," the boar man said, playing with his dagger. "I thought you would be begging for your life and offering me money," he taunted her.

"Hmpf, there is no point in negotiating with a rotten person," she answered proudly and firmly, putting her chin forward. There was no way she was going to show her fear to such low person.

"You've got guts I'll give you that." He came closer. "It's almost a shame I have to gut you. I bet we could use you more than once, but the boss wants you dead." He looked into her eyes. She was frowning, not backing down. She stared right into his eyes, and that was driving him crazy. "I guess you aren't worth the trouble," he said at the end, stepping closer.

The girl was shivering. Was this the end? She tilted her head to look into his face. A big grin was decorating it, and his big head covered the view on the roof window. He lifted the dagger, its blade reflecting the light from a lamp.

She closed her eyes, and her fingers dug into her palms. The small heart in her body skipped a beat, as it expected a big pain. The next seconds were like an eternity. Suddenly, a thud sound was heard as something big had fallen down.

"Ouch, ouch," murmured a small voice.

Her eyes shot open. "So--mmh!" Amy gasped, muffling as her mouth was covered.

"Psss." Sonic gestured her to be quiet. She nodded, so he let her go. The boy quickly looked around, feeling his legs started to shiver once more. He needed to move. Finally, his eyes found the dagger the man lost, and with it, he cut the ropes.

"How did you get in here?" she whispered.

"No time! Gotta run!" he took her in his arms.

Amy blushed before her body jerked, and her hand reached toward the chair. "M-My bag!" She quickly grabbed it, pressing it against her chest before her arms wrapped around Sonic's neck.

Sonic had no idea what was so important in it, but it was filled to the brim. The boy concentrated on running in one place, warming up his body. Stopping meant he might start thinking, and that would make him insecure. He abruptly shook his head, burrowing his daze into the door in front of him.

"Is there anyone looking for a path?" Shadow's loud voice startled them both.

A shiver ran down Amy's spine as the excitement took over her. Her eyes widen. The thoughts of her rescue filled her mind. She was happy to see Sonic coming to save her. Hearing Shadow's voice strengthened that feeling. Her mouth was dry, but she felt incredible urge to answer that call.

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