Choosing a path (7/11)

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Before the dinner... meaning having the leftovers from the snack... they chatted a bit and once they digested the simple meals, they closed their cabin heading into their sleeper wagons. Each room had four beds and changing space. The bathroom with a shower was at the end of each long wagon.

Amy, Eclipse, Gold, and Silver took the first one leaving Shadow and Sonic together. The small demon picked the upper bed, tucking into the corner and to his shiver, the psychic pick the other one. There was something wary in his staring. The pink lass was actually glad to be left with the bottom bed. She was a bit scared to sleep so high.

For the demon, the night had been long. He was constantly waking up as the train moved and screeched and the amber eyes... he felt they were constantly watching him. Taking out the book was too risky. When the sun rose, they overcame a long distance, having more than one-third of the way behind them. They arrived in a big city and since the next train was departing in about three hours... it was a fun time!

Once the breakfast was over, Amy and Gold went to explore shops. Silver decided to spend that time with a coffee and newspapers. Shadow took the boys to a park where they could stretch their limbs. Eclipse was slowly getting used to his humanized form, realizing he was more conformable while sitting. Sonic challenged the demon to a race and it was fun. But just like every time full of events, it flew too fast making the next hours on the train look like a torture.

However, the girls weren't checking just the clothes, but some board games too. That made the traveling more bearable. And guess where the board was put? In the mid-air supported by psychokinesis. Amy just knew how to make the grumpy psychic involved. As they arrived in the evening in the next town, they realized they were lucky.

Originally they were supposed to wait several hours on the first-morning train but the night express, that was expected to be on its way an hour ago, was delayed because of some obstacles on the rails, that were reported earlier. That resulted in them getting seats there and having a chance to save many hours. Now they were glad Silver used his influence to hold the first night train, otherwise, they might end up with a day hold-up.

The second night was for the demon more bearable. Tho he was still waking up, he at least felt a bit refreshed in the morning. Yet again he didn't write a thing in his diary, but he wasn't discovered and that was good. It wasn't just him influenced by it, the signs of tiredness were visible on his master and Sonic as well. No matter how comfortable the train was it was still hard to sit all the time.

Then again, thanks to that last train, they arrived almost seven hours sooner, and the blue lad was more than happy to stretch his legs.

"So we are here," stated Gold getting off the train.

"Welcome to the Albion," announced Silver with a proud voice.

The newcomers had no chance not to look around. The platform was wide and clean, and a lot of people were getting on and off the trains on about a twenty rails. Over the platforms were the roofs with decorated pillars. The psychic left them with his tenrec partner, going to make a call they had arrived ahead of the schedule.

He then joined them in front of the station where they were waiting for a carriage. As he was getting closer he had noticed Eclipse was shivering and Amy was trying to soothe him. The psychic had no doubt it was because of the holy aura of this place.

It had more than one thousand and five hundreds of old history. Remembering many battles and many circles were laid down, capable of protecting the whole city for days if necessary. "Let's go," he said with a firm voice, calling one cab that was passing by. The children got inside first, then Gold with Shadow and lastly Silver, who stated their destination.

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