Hidden rose (1/6)

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In the mansion of the Rose family was really gloomy atmosphere as Amy hadn't been found. Her parents were sitting in a small saloon on a sofa. The husband tried to comfort his sobbing wife, but even he was disheartened. For some reason, the black priest avoided his men' eyes. But that wasn't the most frustrating truth.

The true kidnapper was Beole. The men he arrested were more then willing to spill the beans if it would shorten their time in the prison. They all testified there was a black hedgehog priest taking them all down and some blue ghost. However, they had no idea where his daughter went.

He patted his wife's back, remembering the stabbed book he took with himself. He had found some interesting things inside, but nothing helped him to find the priest. His men were still searching the city not giving up. His other worry was Amy's fiance, Brian Earl the Sokina*), who had already arrived, getting a room in the house.

For now, he was told Amy is feeling a bit unwell, resting in her room. But this lie couldn't hold for long. In his mind, he had sent numerous prayers toward that mysterious man, to release his daughter unharmed, promising him anything.

"Will we see her again?" asked Adeline form behind her teary eyes.

"We will," he answered, feeling no confidence. But there was still a hope. As long there was no proof she was... she was... He didn't want to think about it.

He glanced their cat butler to enter, but he paid him minimal attention not even when he stopped in front of them, bowing and announcing: "Mr. and Mrs. Rose, you have a surprise visitor." There was a gentle smile on his face and the brown eyes behind a round glasses were sparkling.

Mr. Reagan frowned. He was hardly in a mood for jokes, but then the cat man stepped aside, revealing the most surprising guest.

"Mother, father, I'm back," Amy made slight smile with cupped hands in front of her.

Her mother lifted her face soaked with tears with an ajar mouth. Her husband wasn't any better. It took them a moment to overcome the shock, before throwing themselves around her neck shouting in unison: "Amy!!"

The cat butler wiped a tear from an eye. Young miss was missed by the whole mansion. She was kind, polite to even servants and maids alike and she often asked to be allowed to do house chores. She was a unique lady so everybody was worried about her well being.

"I was so worried about you!" Adeline cried.

"I always believed you will return to us," her father hugged her strongly, afraid this might be just a dream.

"I'm sorry for causing you so much stress." Their daughter cuddled with them. She liked her parents but sometimes she wished they wouldn't be so overprotective.

After another minute her parents let her go, looking at her with teary eyes.

"I can't describe how happy I'm now. Just wait when you see your fiance. He is such charming man," started lady Adeline, her fingers slid down her arms, noticing an unknown bracelet. But she was too happy to concern herself with such detail. The pink lass nodded.

"But how?" questioned her father. "How did you escape your kidnapper?"

"That's actually really hectic story. I'll make sure to tell you all, but..." she started when a monkey guard rushed inside.

"Mr. Rose! Mr. Rose!!" He was widely waving with hands. "That black priest has been..." his eye fell on the girl. "... spot... ted..." He winked for a few times, before exclaiming: "Miss Amy!! You are safe!!" He hugged her too.

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