Choosing a path (11/11)

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That evening Nigel decided to visit each person on his own, making sure to talk with them alone. He was just walking from Sonic's room where he was the one getting questioned. It made him feel a bit strange, then again this youngster was the son of his agents, so he gladly told him about his parents. The boy was full of energy and he seemed to not be so tense like the first time.

'He will grow into a fine man,' the man thought, pondering what person should take him under his or her wings. With his mind full, he had reached Amy's room. He silently knocked. "Miss Amy, can I visit you?" he asked and the door slowly opened.

"Mister Nigel?" she peeked outside stepping aside. "Of course you can."

He entered glancing around. The room had a standard layout, consisting a bed, a table with a chair, a wardrobe and an obligatory window. He noticed a suitcase to be put next to the table. "How do you like your room? I'm sure you are used to much bigger space." He sat at the edge of the bed.

She did a curtsy. "It's very comfortable, thank you. But is there anything I can help you with?"

"Straight to the topic I see," he admitted he wasn't there for a tea, "I'm just curious how did you cope with your power. It sure must have been a shock." He patted next to himself and she sat there.

"Well yes, I was surprised but happy."

"Happy?" he lifted his eyebrows. The last time he had checked, most of his agents were at first shocked and scared when their abilities manifested.

"Yes, because that way Eclipse didn't have to die." She proceeded to tell him the short version of their meeting and what had happened in the Rosemary City.

Nigel was thinking all the time. This girl was indeed exceptional not just for her ability to bound demons. He looked around. "Speaking of demons, where is he?" He glanced at her and felt a sweat on his forehead.

She was knitting her eyebrows. "He said he needs some air since this place is suffocating him. He isn't snooping around or anything," she barked a bit at the end.

"I'm sure not, but it may be dangerous for him to wander here alone." He got up. "I'll go look for him."

"You would?" her voice showed a surprise but there was a shade of suspiciousness in her eyes.

"Yes, please, stay here in a case he will return. As far as he is concerned, he is now part of The Order and regardless of him being a demon or not, I shall not accuse him of something without having a defining proof of such act," he answered her in a firm voice, voicing his opinion and decision. Even if he was having doubts, he was willing to give anyone a second chance.

She sensed he was honest, so there appeared a small smile on her face. "Thank you, I shall wait."

With a slight bow he had left her room, and after a quick visit to his demonic friend, who told him the small demon was on the roof, he headed there.

Eclipse was laying on his stomach, heavily breathing. He lifted his body on elbows, squinting into the disappearing light. The air was choking him with each inhalation. He forced himself to sit, hugging the chest, trying to stop it from trembling. Tears were falling down his cheeks and the skin was burning. But why? It felt it wasn't entirely because of this place but for something inside of him.

It was squirming, moving, yelling and screaming. Was it alive? Was it just his mind playing tricks on him? He couldn't tell but it was this anxiety that was causing him to feel miserable... trying to burn him from inside. He shook the head, trying to concentrate on something different.

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