Rose & Thorns (7/8) - r

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Meanwhile, in the inn, nervous Sonic was walking in circles

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Meanwhile, in the inn, nervous Sonic was walking in circles. Shadow still hadn't arrived, and the sun was slowly setting. He would never think they would have such adventure. The boy didn't want to admit it, but he was walking, so he would keep his legs moving, hiding the shaking.

He thought tailing Amy was the most adventurous thing he would do, but now they had encountered dangerous men and witnessed her kidnapping. His rescue plan was also crazy, and now he was realizing how dangerous it was.

He wasn't afraid of the height. However, if he would miss, that boar man would create a fuss, ruining their plan. A cold shiver run down his spine. The last hours sure were crazy. If there was one part he enjoyed, it was the run-to-the-hills one. The air was whistling all around him, and the scenery turned into a blurry image, connecting all houses into one block. It was a blessed time until he realized that screeching sound was coming from Amy and not his amazing speed. Then again, he might don't want to listen to it every time he would run.

'Where is he,' he muttered in his mind. The wait for the priest seemed endless. When the door creaked, the boy almost jumped out of his quills.

"Father Shadow!" Sonic exclaimed, throwing himself around priest's neck.

Shadow had to step back to not fall backward. He hugged him in return, feeling intense burden had fallen from his shoulders.

"I did it! I ran and ran!" He jolly chanted into an ebony ear, making the other almost deaf.

"I know! You did great," praised him Shadow, and the boy jumped down.

However, Sonic's legs finally gave in, and he landed on his butt. Shadow silently giggled as he watched the boy rubbing his landing pads. His dark eyes glanced Amy sitting at the bed. She was quiet and focusing on the boy. The priest was sure this experience left her scared.

Amy must have noticed he was watching her since she turned her attention to him. Yet again, her crystal blue eyes pierced right through him, but there was no malice but complete sincerity. "How did you actually find me?" she silently asked. Her small hands were clenched.

"Well, I..." Shadow knew, saying he smelled her would sound weird and bring up more question, so he reworded his answer a bit, "noticed you were going out and since your situation is a bit complicated, I have decided it would be best to keep an eye on you."

Her eyebrows knitted as she replied, "So you were stalking me?" Her cheeks huffed a bit.

"Is that how girls say thank you?" inquired Sonic sarcastically. His imagination of this moment was much more cheerful and full of freshly baked cookies.

Amy lowered her head, feeling ashamed. Sonic was right she should thank them. However, her pride was hurt a bit. She thought she could take care of herself. The young lass had many books in her head she knew them by memory. Her father told her a lot about his business and his travels. She was sure she could navigate in the outer world.

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