Toward the new beginning (6/8)

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New characters - Since there is only one picture of them, I won't paste a new chapter.

From the left - Uh, they are unnamed so far. So I'll fully introduce them later ;-)

 So I'll fully introduce them later ;-)

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 The sound had come from a small alley. Eclipse was sitting there, rubbing his butt since he slipped down the roof. His small pets were around him making worried sounds. "Be quiet, kiddies," he tried to calm them. It was days and nights since they saw each other so they were excited when he returned.

He had to cut the wild greeting short, taking them with him to Amy. He knew letting them alone wasn't a choice. They would suffer and he would be endlessly worried about them. This was the best chance he had. He saw enough of her to hope she will accept them without much problem. He sighed and shivered as coldness ran down his spine.

Suddenly he was unable to move and their bodies were engulfed by a light blue glow. "Enjoying a midnight walk, aren't you?" asked him a cold voice in a mocking way. He was discovered by nobody else but Silver the Hedgehog... the worst possible choice.

"Wait!" the demon hurriedly shouted. "I just wanted to pick them up! I haven't hurt anyone!"

The psychic lifted the left eyebrow and with the other hand, he created a small light ball sending it forward, illuminating four small creatures. One was shaped like a cube with four legs and three eyes each on a different side. The second one reminded him a music note with two legs and one big eye. The third one was shaped after an eel with fangs and backward pointing horn. The last one had a simple bird shape and three eyes as well.

"They aren't dangerous!" he pleaded more, but he concealed they used to be just balls of dust. During his absence, they fed on natural negative energy that allowed them to gain physical bodies.

"What are they?" he demanded.

"Just my small pets! They were keeping me a company." He decided to as well hide the fact he created them... just in case.

The exorcist was watching them in silence, before letting them go. Eclipse was perplexed, he expected a radically different reaction.

"You know what, you can eat the whole city, I could care less. I wonder if that naive kid will still take your side after that." He kind of checked his nails. "But I dare you to touch Gold." The cold aura pierced the small demon to the bones. The exorcist left them, heading to his temporal home.

The demonic child did the same thing a couple of minutes later. He crawled into the room, silently closing the window. Once he touched the blanket and felt the soft cushions, he had fallen asleep with his pets around him doing the same. Silver listened on the other side of the door, making sure he wouldn't try anything. Soon he heard his calm breathing. 'He would be a fool otherwise.' Yet again he pondered how he used 'he' instead of 'it'.

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