Rose & Thorns (8/8) - r

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If Shadow knew, who this somebody was, he would do a serious spanking for the first time in his life

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If Shadow knew, who this somebody was, he would do a serious spanking for the first time in his life. It was none other but Amy, and it wasn't the scent from the cookies or the clothes Shadow caught up.

'Where are they leaving?' she asked herself. It's true she went to her room earlier and wanted to go to sleep. However, her mind was full of the memories, and she couldn't calm herself down. She again felt the wind in her quills when Sonic was holding her in his arms. Her heart pounded widely, as she reminded herself of her escape from her home. Shortly after that, she had met Shadow who saved her from guards. Never in her life, she had such exciting day like now.

As the sleep eluded her, she decided to watch from a window. That's when she noticed Shadow and Sonic left the inn. At the spur of the moment, she quickly followed them. 'They stalked me earlier, so this is payback time,' she snickered in her mind. She did her best to keep quiet, and she always waited a bit before she peeked in the street they went to.

This way she lost them after a couple of turns. "Oh girl, did they have such hard time too?" she silently mumbled. Her knees started to shake a bit, and she quickly looked into a street next to her. It was empty. Amy checked the next one, and when there was nobody in it too, she returned a bit. The pink lass checked another street, but this one seemed the same way as the others.

She stopped, feeling a cold shiver running down her spine. The area around her was silent. She didn't hear a voice. The closest street lamp light flickered.

"Hehe, feels like a ghost could pop out any time now." She tried to lighten her mood, as clouds slowly shrouded the moon, making the world darker. "I better should head back to the inn, or Sonic will laugh at me for being so clumsy." The pink hedgehog turned back, not knowing which way she was going.

Amy had no idea there was a bigger danger than a group of kidnappers lurking nearby. Because in that case, she might have never left her room.

Above the rooftops was a moving figure, it was agile and on all fours

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Above the rooftops was a moving figure, it was agile and on all fours. From time to time it lifted its head to inspect the smells in the air. It was nobody else but Eclipse the Demon. He arrived in this city and decided to turn it into his hunting ground. There were enough mortals to help him fulfill his double quota. His swift body stopped on its tracks.

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