Choosing a path (2/11)

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 Eclipse was speechless. Was he telling the truth? He looked at his hands, closing and opening them, not seeing anything different. Was it real? It had too... why would he be lying?

"So, I shall free you." He put a hand on his shoulder, gently rubbing it. "After this, you won't leave my side. I'll teach you everything you need to lead demons to a new brighter future." Sirius was walking away gently brushing the shoulder with fingers.

Eclipse hardly noticed he was heading to Amy's room as his thoughts were swirling. 'I'm important... I can... get recognition... ' He remembered many memories, distant and recent alike. Being bullied by older demons, hunting for food, claiming his first soul, creating the first dust ball, meeting Shadow and being terrified by him, moving into this city and reuniting with his sis and facing against Silver... Amy smiling at him... caring for him... making him cookies...

Sirius stopped in the middle of a step, noticing a small hand was pulling his military uniform. He looked over his shoulder, seeing it was the small demon with a plea in eyes. "Wait," he whispered. "I... have an idea!" he blurted without thinking. For a second or two, he was frantically making that plan. "I can... act as a spy, can I?" That sounded convincing his face brightened up. "I can gather information on The Order! I can get how they operate or... or... or anything!"

The demonic librarian looked away. What was his younger brother suggestion was indeed making a sense! They never had any way to obtain inner information before. He doubted, he would get an access to any core secret, but... he kept pondering about it for a few seconds. "Are you sure you are up to it?"

There was only a momentary hesitation in the answer as the approval wasn't expected to be given so fast. "Y-Yes!" He let go of the coat and there was a big determination in his eyes.

The other demon nodded, turning back. "Alright, I shall entrust you this task." He slightly gestured his hand to make this point clear. "Passing a chance to learn inside information about our greatest enemy would be wasting." The voice gained a firm feel. "But it won't be easy."

"I-I know," he shivered a bit. "But they won't pay any attention to me! They think I'm weak!"

Sirius was eyeing him a bit, evaluating that statement, finding it's true. Eclipse seemed like one of the weakest demons the Hell had ever produced. "Very well." He opened his palm and from a small magical circle jumped out a book, fountain pen, and papers. Eclipse was astonished. He had never seen his brother to do it. "This will be now yours."

The small demon accepted all items, examining them, finding they look fairly normal. He looked up, listening to the explanation.

"The pen will write only when you put your demonic energy into it. Use it to record everything you see and hear in the book. Once there will be enough information, summarize them on one of the papers." He had written a simple seal inside the book. "Once is the paper full, write somewhere this symbol and it will be transported to me. Be cautious while doing it, don't let them discover you."

The smaller demon strongly nodded. "That would mean an end, right?"

The other showed equally strong agreement. "Now, show me your palm." Eclipse listened and the brother scribbled on it some symbols creating another inscription pattern. "Try to put the book inside."

His younger brother lifted an eyebrow, not entirely understanding the meaning of it. Tho he put the book closer to that symbols and the item was sucked inside. "Whoa!" He examined his hand. "Where did it go?"

"It's inside of a small sub-space pocket. It's a seal I have developed to store items, but so far it was useful only to me. This one can store a mass equal to ten kilograms at most and you can't store any living being or souls. Each storing and picking up an item generates a demonic energy equal to the size of an inscription. Any bigger sub-pocket would give you away. But this one will be easily camouflaged by your own."

Eclipse wasn't sure if he understood it all, but his brother was amazing just like he believed. "I'll be careful! I promise!" He then started to practice taking out and returning all of his stuff, gaining confidence in the speed. The other was watching him with a small smile.

"I shall take my leave," Sirius said once he was done with the training.

"Wait, brother! Can I ask you a favor?" He reached toward him.

"Ask away."

"Can you take these with you?" he turned back toward the quadruplets. "I won't be able to take proper care of them. They are weak, but they can help you in your library and archive."

The demonic librarian was studying them a bit. "What are their names?"

Eclipse was slightly embarrassed. "They... don't have any. I don't know how to give a name."

"That's no problem," he looked at the musical note-one, "You will be Rhygenta, the cube one shall be Blurk from now on..." The other demon was looking at him in astonishment. "You look like a snake or eel, right? So you name will be Cyzer and you shall have a name Cregal," he nodded at the bird-one.

 "You look like a snake or eel, right? So you name will be Cyzer and you shall have a name Cregal," he nodded at the bird-one

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He always thought to give a name was a big deal, but he did it with such ease. He was glad he asked him to take care of them. This night was full of strange events, even Sirius had shown more emotions than he had ever done in front of him. The four pets squeaked each in their own way so he hugged them. "Okay, kiddies," he let them go, petting them a bit. "Go with brother Sirius, don't give him any trouble, help him and grow well."

There were small tears in their eyes. They had just found each other to be separate again! "I know I was always just a bother, but I won't let you down this time!" They hugged for the last time, saying goodbye before Sirius created a small rift, taking them with him.

The night had become quiet again. A strange feeling filled a small demonic heart. His older brother might have cared for him and taught him a lot of stuff, but he had never shown any real concern. Now it was different... just like with his sis. He wondered if she knew about his importance. He made a big yawn, realizing the need to sleep had caught up with him. But the roof wasn't an ideal place so he climbed down, smelling Amy's scent.

He followed it, entering thru slightly opened glass door on the balcony. The night breeze was wavering with silk curtains and the moon gave his shadow a big boost in length. He came closer to the bed, seeing her sleeping with parents. The scene was... peaceful.

The small demon had to again question if his master would use him as a mere tool. 'She... Amy... would never do that!' He clenched the small fists. The little girl was always helping him, she took care of his wounds... she healed his sister too! There was just no way she would ever turn against him! But he trusted his brother as well. He never... Eclipse yawned...

"Too tired to think... gotta sleep..." his eyes squinted and he crawled under the bed, falling asleep in the next minute.

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