Rose & Thorns (4/8) - R

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However, it wasn't just Silver who was having a bad day. In the great mansion of Rose Family was a gloomy atmosphere full of tension. After all, this morning the young lady was spotted using the back door in the garden, sneaking out. The servant who saw her alarmed two guards who promptly followed her, but they brought bad news.

The room where they had reported their failure was the main office, but it could be as a small library since one wall was full of bookshelves.

The men were standing in front of a big, heavy table where official papers and folders were neatly arranged and organized. Not even a drop of ink was present despite the three different inkstands and numerous pens. The head of the family always believed the order on the table reflected the situation in one's business.

 The head of the family always believed the order on the table reflected the situation in one's business

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(Beautiful FanArt was drawn by "Rat in Tank" from Tumblr - see the external link)

 "How could you lose my daughter?" shouted an elegant-looking woman in an expensive yet simple dress, standing next to the table. Her fur was pink, and her quills were neatly brushed behind the head, creating an illusion of blooming rose.

Behind the table was her frowning husband. "Who was it?" he asked with a firm voice. He was calmer and belonged to a hedgehog family with reddish fur.

"We... don't know, Mr. Rose," the left guard answered. "When we found her, someone knocked us out."

"So my daughter is in hands of some filthy criminal?" the woman screamed, and her green eyes were partly covered by tears rushing out. They kept her protected! She got all she could ever need! So why did she leave them? They even announced to her who will be her fiance. Everything looked so bright. So why?

"We are sorry!" They deeply bowed, and Mister Rose dismissed them, leaving his wife as the only other person in the room.

The master of the family was thinking aloud, "If that man isn't a fool, he will ask for a ransom."

Despite looking calm, his brown eyes were full of anger. He was also confused by his daughter's behavior. She had gotten the best education, and she had shown strong character. The teachers praised her for quick understanding and clever questions that sometimes left them wondering, pushing them into studying the matter more closely.

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