Chapter 2

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(Y/n) POV)

I wondered threw New York its Christmas break. Awesome right? I looked up and at the buildings and saw A large tower. With an A on it. "When the hell did that get there"? I said aloud to no one. I looked at the building. It's like I'm the only who even noticed that there is a new building that wasn't there yesterday.

I hurried and asked one person something. "Excuse sir, what that building"? I asked him. He looked at me like was crazy. " That is the tower of the Avengers". He said calmly. "What the fuck"! I ran well speed walked to my house. And saw the Avengers. Plus Wade, Loki, and Peter.

In my freaking house. "O my God". I said taking a breath. "Yes". Thor and Loki responded. "Why are you guys in my house"? I asked. " You invited us". said a confused Steve. They were all sitting in my living room. "I'll be back". I ran to my room. I couldn't find any of my Marvel movies or posters. "What just happened"?

I walked back to the living room. "So... what did I invite you guys in for"? "Your acting really strange Midgardian". Loki said to me. " We're here to celebrate you becoming an Avenger and finding your powers". Sam said to me. "We also just want to get drunk". Tony said. "Only you want to do that Tony". Bruce and Steve said. "I want to get drunk" Tony corrected.

"Ok....then. Well, I have school/College tomorrow so I'm just gonna go". I said. This is a dream. It had to be a dream. " Um. You guys can help yourself to anything. Peace" I went to my room and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up to some shaking me. "(Y/n) wake up". I opened my eyes to see a brown-headed 16-year-old shaking me awake. I yelled and fell off the bed.

"Son of a bitch"! I yelled. Peter looked at me a bit frightened. "Well, we always walked to school together with Wade". He said. "Are you feeling well"? He asked me. "Holy shit biscuit that wasn't a dream"!  I was looking around. I mumbled "I didn't even get a chance to see infinity war"."What"? Peter asked me. "What"?  I repeated

Peter looked at me weirdly and I looked at him back. But he just shrugged it off. " I'm just gonna let you get dressed". He blushed slightly and walked out the room. I went in full on fangirl mode. The Avenger is real, MARVEL is real. I love god.  I bit on a black beanie, black jeans, and a white shirt. I slipped my Supernatural hoodie on and went to the kitchen.

Peter and Wade were already in there.  "Hi". I said. "Hey (n/n)"! Wade said happily eating a taco. I got my school bag and went were ever Peter was going. Because I'm confused. We mad it to midtown. "Bye Petey, Bye (n/n)". I made it in. Wait i was in college what am i doing here. "Bye (Y/n)" Peter said walking off. I obviously don't go to school here. I looked and i saw my college right across from midtown.

I mentally facepalm myself and went across the street and my day began.

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