Chapter 20

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(Y/n) POV)

I was having a lazy day with Wade and Peter. We were just laying on the couch being jerks cause we took up all the space we took all the chairs and built like a fort in the main living room were everyone liked to be. Just being douchebags. We were in our large fort and we wouldn't let anyone in. It was fun Wade had manged to get Tony's flat screen TV in there and a minni fridge. "Man this is awesome". I said. Wade was eating a taco and a chimichanga. He passed Peter and me one of many of his tacos and chimichanga's. "I know right". We heard a fake knock on our fort. "It's probably Pietro again". Peter said. Wade and I both nodded. Then we heard a different knock.

"Give me my damn chairs, Tv, and fridge back"! "Oh, shit its Mr. Stark". Peter whispered. "So. He can hurt us". I said. "(Y/n) and Peter get out here or you two are grounded". Steve said. "Can he ground us"? I ask. "Well your a legal adult. And I live with Aunt may. I think he means missions". Peter said. "Well I for one don't give a damn". Wade said. "YO GET YO ASSES FROM OUR FORT"!! Wade yelled. I think that made someone mad. "Get your asses out that fort right know or god so help I will drag you fuckers and Peter out". Tony said. "You a fucker bitch"! I yelled to Tony. "Ok. Im getting Natasha"! Steve yelled. "Get her then she likes Peter and me. And plus no one will be able to get in here". We all started laughing. We heard a soft voice. "Can you all please come out. Before I get angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry". All our eyes widen from Bruce's words. And we all unlocked the fort and ran out.

"Ok. Ok. We're out". We all said. "Thank you". Bruce said. "Now clean up this mess". Steve said walking away. "I wish the fuck I would". I mumbled. He turned around looked at me. "What was that"? He asked. "I think you heard me if you didn't you would have been gone right now". I said. "Ok. For that grounded and no Supernatural". My eyes widen. And my mouth dropped. "Ok Steve let's not get crazy". I tried to reason. "3 weeks grounded". He said. "I don't give a flying fuck about the grounding I need supernatural. It's a religion-". I started. "It's a life style". Wade finished for me. "I don't care you shouldn't have talked back". Steve said. "Is that not how commutation works"!? I asked yelled. He walked away and I sighed.

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