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(Y/n)  POV

Nat, Wanda, and I went to the mall we're actually having a fun time. Wanda and Nat were in disguises, I wasn't nobody knows I'm a superhero. We went to a lot of stores, and then we saw Peter who stayed to hang out. Yep everything was normal,  and awesome. Then shit happened a loud explosion was heard then people were running. "What's going on"!? Peter yelled. "I don't know". I said. Wanda and Nat pulled off there discusses Peter got into costume. Nat handed me my suit and what we saw was really...... Weird. It was Captain America but not Captain America. His eyes we're red.

He ran straight for Peter he jumped over him. "What happened waked up on the wrong side of the flag this morning Cap"? Peter asked. "I don't think that's our Cap Spidey". I said. "Weird". Peter said. "I'm so done with this". Nat said, round house kicking Evil Cap. Wanda was putting force field around us and throwing things at. "Should I kill him"? I asked. They looked at me. "I mean I feel weird but I will do it". I said. Nat looked like she had an idea. "You remember that time Steve grounded you, and took away your TV privileges"? Nat asked. My eyes glowed black.

(Peter's POV)

Nat motioned for Wanda to drop the force field. (Y/n) eyes were black. She pounced out evil Cap, punching him pulling out a sword from God knows where. Like really how did she get a sword. I had to look away from the bloody mess in front of me. She wasn't killing she was just beating the living heck out of him, she tied him up. Where the hell did she gets rope!? She sat down on the ground a piece of roof fell behind her and she didn't flinch. "Woah". I said. "Where did I get a sword"? She asked looking up at us.

"I don't know". Wanda said. We all grabbed out bags and limped away. Just having to fight a fake captain that Nat shot and a couple of Hydra agents.  When we made it to the tower everyone was on the couch. They looked at us. "Not one word". Nat said. As she sat down by Clint, and I sat by (Y/n), Wanda, and Pietro. It was a awkward silence until Tony spoke up. "I kinda would like to know what happened". Tony said pointing At our messed up clothes, bruises, cuts, and hair. "We had to fight some Hydra agents, and a evil Steve". (Y/n) said. "(Y/n), made the evil Steve beg for death". Nat said. Steve looked at her. "Wanda I honestly don't know what to feel sorry for. The mall us, or the evil Steve". Wanda said.

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