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(Y/n) POV

Wade and I are laying in my bed talking. "(Y/n), if you get your leg cut off will it hurt"? He asked me. I looked at Wade. "Yeah". I said. "How"? He asked. "Dude you getting yo leg fucking cut off". I said. "Yeah, but like it's off". He said. My eyes went wide and he smiled. "Dude. If it's cut off the leg has no pain". I said understanding. "Also this shit has been getting to me (n/n). If Cinderella shoe fits so fucking damn perfectly why did it fall off"? He asked. I raised up then looked over to him. "Holy shit"! I said. "And if Mario and Luigi, are the Mario brothers is Mario name. Mario, Mario"? He asked as I fell off the bed.

"Someone's asking the real fucking questions here". I got another brownie Wade brought. "Dude these are the best damn brownies I had. Where did u get these"? I asked. "Oh, some dude in an alleyway sold them to me". Wade took a bite of this brownie. Then it looked like everything just went wow. "Wade, why are you on a pink unicorn"? I asked him. He looked around. "No, I'm not". He said. "Dude, what the hell"? I asked. Wade sniffed the brownie. "Oh, shit no wonder I was loopy". Wade said. "What"? I asked "its a pot brownie". He said. I just stared at the midget that was behind him making silly faces i started laughing. Wow. I went out my room and Wade followed with a camera. I walked up to Bruce. "Hi Brucie". I said. "(Y/n), are you ok? Your eyes are...red". He said. "So when you get big does EVERYthing get bigger". I asked him.

Bruce looked at me shocked. Then at Wade who looked as curious as me. "Um. Are you ok"? He asked. "Like does your penis grow or...". I trailed off. "Yes...". He said. "I fucking knew it". I ran off and Wade followed looking amused which confused me. I saw Peter and smiled. "Yo Pete. Did yo sperm turn radioactive or not. Cause you should really not do the do if you get what I'm saying homie". Peter's face went fifty shades of red. "Oh my god"! Peter said. Embarrassed. Which caught the attention of Tony, Clint, Steve, and Wanda. "What's wrong"? Wanda asked. "Nothing"! Peter quickly said.

I looked at Steve questionably. "I asked this to Bruce bot i wonder this about you to". I said looking at Steve. "What is it"? Steve asked. "When you got your serum to make you big... Did EVERYthing turn big. Like is your penis super or regularly size"? I asked him. His eyes widen and he blushed. "Listen young lady that's none of you business". Steve said. Tony was now on the floor laughing with Clint.  "Yo cap. She kinda high right now. So don't take any of this to ass". Wade said. Loki came around the hall I tackled him in a hug.

(A/n I'm gonna be straight up i didn't update yesterday because i didn't want to and yeah that's it)

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