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(Y/n) POV

I sat in class bored why the hell did I come here? People whispered about my injuries some asked what happened. I told then I fell off a motorcycle. It was pretty good day until, there was a loud sound coming from the sky. Everyone in my class looked up. We were outside because our science professor said he had a surprised that just came in today. Some famous smart person I'm guessing, he said they just called this morning to come see the class. I yawned from the lack of sleep, as my eyes closed I saw something that freaked the shit out of me. It was the Iron Man suit. I fell off my chair no one saw me.

As the suit landed it opened. To reveal my oh so perfect 'father' Tony. Professor smiled. "Good evening Mr. Stark"! He said excitedly shacking his hands. I glared bombs at Tony, he didn't see me yet. Im bout to leave this piece. "Aww. It's Iron Man this is so cool, I heard he adopted a kid and they go here"! One girl said. I rolled my eyes. "I heard it was a girl". One boy said. "Is she ugly"? One guy asked. "Naw bro, I heard she smokin". The boy said. I rolled my eyes so far back it hurt. I felt a tap on my shoulder it was a girl that I never seen before. "Hi! Can I sit here please. I'm new". She said. "I don't care". I said. She sat down and held her hand out for me to shake. "Sunshine Wulf". She said. I shook her hand. "(Y/n) (L/n)". I said. She smiled at me. "So this is Tony Stark"? She asked. "Yeah, he's a.... Unique person". I said. "How do you know"? She asked. "I see him a lot in the news. And heard about him from a lot of people". I lied. The best way to start friend ships. "We should hang out sometime. I need a friend". She said. "Ok". I agreed.

Tony caught sight of me and walked over. I made a face he smirked at me. Everyone looked at where he was going. "Hi sweety". He said kissing my forehead. "Oh, you a bitch". I whispered. "You love me". He whispers back. Everyone looked at me. "This is my daughter, I hope you are giving her the best respect and work". Tony said to the Professor. "I had no idea this was your daughter". Professor said. "I'm adopted". I said. "I also need to be taking her with me after this presentation". Tony said. "Dad, why are you here"? I said clenching my teeth.

After the thing Tony took me to the front of the college. "Why did you do this"?  I asked. "Cause I can teach you more than this school. You're to smart to be here". Tony said. Opening the limo door and Peter was inside. "Hey Petey"! I said hugging him. "Mr. Stark, why did you get me out of school"? Peter asked. "You two are the youngest ones on this team. So we need to set some ground rules. First stay on the ground". Peter nodded I rolled my eyes. "Second. Don't go on missions with Wade". Peter nodded I rolled my eyes. "Third. You to might be staying home a lot to look after the... Loki's and Bucky's". Peter and I both nodded. "Fourth-". I cut him off. "How many damn rules are there"? I asked. "Fourth. Don't curse out anyone older and wiser then  yourself". Tony said. Peter nodded. "I can't agree on that one". I said. "Fifth. Limited amount of sass". He said. Peter nodded. I looked at him like the fuck.

"Sixth. Limited amount of sarcasm". Peter nodded. "Seventh. You must call one of us if you are somewhere we don't know about or preferably myself, Steve or someone responsible". Tony said. Peter and I exchanged glances. "Eighth do not go out alone if you see someone really dangerous. Call one of us". We both nodded. "Ninth. Don't ever go out of the country without letting me know". Peter nodded. "And lastly. If you need money ask me. You two are like my kids". Tony said. We nodded. "That's it"? I asked. "Yes! Now out". Tony said. Peter and I got out at the tower. "That was a little to weird". He said. "Agreed. God knows I'm finna break all those rules". I say. "To be honest (n/n). One or two of those might be broken with me". Peter said. We laughed at each other. "I'm gonna go eat, want some"? I asked. "Yeah"! He said.

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