Chapter 5

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(Y/n) POV)

After a while of Wade, Peter, and I joking around the Avengers got annoyed. "Can you mortals please as of what you people call shut the hell up"! Loki shouted at us. "You better not be talking to Peter like that". Wade warned Loki. "My insult was directed towards anyone of who it may concern". Loki said sassily.

"Damn". Tony stated. "Aww, what are you gonna do, sew my mouth shut"? Wade said Loki was gonna say something. "Don't answer that". Wade said. I looked t Wade was kinda upset. One thing I know about the Merc with a mouth he hates to be told to be quiet.

"Ok, Loki since we're bothering you. We'll leave" I said and got up. "No, no Lady (Y/n) you don't have to leave". Loki said to me. "Its the rotten avocado I'm talking to". Loki finished. "Well Wade's my friend so if he isn't wanted we both leave along with Peter" I stated. "We're package deals" Wade said and Peter agreed.

Everyone shut up after this a couple hours later it got really dark. "I'm calling it a night". Steve said and Bucky left a while after him. Everyone slowly started leaving. "Hey! (Y/n) you, Peter, and Wade can stay at the tower its late and plus its a weekend". Tony said to us. "Sure Mr. Stark aunt May will let me". Peter told him.

"Wade and I can stay to. I don't feel like walking anyway". I said. " As much as I would love to. I have a job to do. Shooting people, Stabbing things, the Merc's business". Wade said switching up lines from Supernatural. And he left. Tony left and so did Peter.

Loki and I were the only two who were up. "Lady (Y/n)"? Loki called to me. "Yes"? I said "Are you and Wade going out"? He asked worriedly. "Eww. No gross. He has a girlfriend". I stated. "Oh". Loki suddenly got up."Wait. Why did you want to know"? I asked. " No reason". he said. And left. I just let out a sigh.

I went to bed after watching (f/s). He was awesome. I hummed and then I stoped and realized. I don't know my fucking way threw this tower. Hell they just became real. I looked until I think I found my room. The wall were (f/c) and the carpet was (S/f/c). It was a nice room. I laid in the bed it was so soft. And about y minutes of trying to get the voices to be quiet I went to sleep.

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