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(Y/n) POV)

I'm so bored. I wonder what Wades doing. I rolled over to the side of my bed and saw a bird out my window. Then a jet that landed on the roof. I sighed then rolled back over. Wait did i just see a jet. Then i thought and i heard a voice. T'challa is here. I watched the Black Panther movie. I jumped up and ran out my room. And there he was with all his kingly glory. "Hello ms. (Y/n)". He said. I smiled at him. I went to hug him. "T'challa, what brings you to the tower"? I asked. "Just thought i check on everyone". He said. I raised my eyebrows. "Ok, I'm here to check on Steve's shield. And give it upgrades". He said. "Awesome". I said. "Indeed". He said. That's when Clint walked up. He just noticed me. "Hi killer". He said. He then noticed T'challa. And spit out his water then bowed.

"Hello Clint". T'challa said smiling. T'challa then walked off to find Steve. "Soo. (Y/n)". Clint started. "Yes"? I asked. "You wanna prank Loki"? He asked. "Hell yes". I said. Then Wade popped up. Scaring Clint and me. "Where the fuck do you even come from"!? I asked yelled. "When a mom and a dad love each other they both do things like-". Wade started. "NO"! Clint and i yelled. Wade laughed. "Who are we pranking i hope it's Bruce". Wade said. "First of all we. Second of all why the fucking hell would we prank Bruce I'm to... Never mind I'm a sack of shit". I said. "Well I'm to awesome to die". Clint said. "But we're pranking the ice prince". Clint said. "Hey! I'm the only one who can call him names". I said. Clint held his hands up in defence. "Yeah. But we're pranking ice prince". I said.

"Ok let's go get the goat". Wade said. We all smirked and said. "The Greatest of all time". "But for real let's go prank Loki". Wade said. Clint and i nodded. We headed to Loki's room. And put sticky notes everywhere and hid his books in my room. We heard him open the door. So i hid in a hamper Clint in the closet and Wade under the bed. "Loki gasped and you could see he was upset". I looked to Wade who was laughing a little. And Clint was to i did a little. "Which one of these foolish mortals dares touch my stuff"? Loki asked talking to himself. I went to the open. "I did"! I yelled. He looked at me then smirked. I don't like that smirk. That's that, 'You're gonna get punished later smirk'. I gulped and rubbed my neck as Loki came closer to me. "Wait Loki"! I yelled. He stopped. "Wade get from under the bed, Clint out of the closet". I said. Clint Looked slightly discussed and Wade was kinda being Wade.  "Out"! Loki yelled. They left and i was right behind them until Loki pulled me back. "Not you". He said. "Aww shit"...

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