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(Y/n) POV

I was sitting in the lab with Tony and Bruce. They were doing something, I grabbed my cane and limped over to them. "Can I help"? I asked. Bruce looked at Tony. "No can do kiddo". Tony said. "Why not. I'm pretty awesome in science I could major in it if I wanted". I said. "Look, (Y/n). You're just down here so we can keep an eye on you. When you heal, then you can help". Tony said. I sighed. "I'm so bored. Dad, father, pop, papa, old man, pops". I said. Tony laughed at me. "Ok, just give me a minute". Tony said. Without realizing it Tony knocked over a chemical. I accidentally put my hand on I felt funny. "Bruce, Tony I'm gonna-". I passed out.

(Tony's POV)

"Oh shit". I said. I saw (Y/n) shrink down into a baby. She looked confused, She started crawling. Bruce and I were shocked. "Um... (Y/n) "? Bruce asked. She started crying. "Oh, geez". Bruce said. "Ok, this will wear off, all we need to do is keep an eye on her". I said. I looked down and saw she was gone. "Aw fuck". I said. "How did she leave so fast"? Bruce asked. We went to look for her, we found her in the living room eating Thor's poptarts. "Come on". I said. picking her up. She started crying. "Shhh. It's ok". I said. She continued to cry louder. All the Avengers rushed in, they were confused. "Aww. She's so cute". Wanda said. Grabbing (Y/n). Rocking her back and forward and her cries stopped.

"Who is this"? Nat asked cooing at (Y/n). "Um... This is (Y/n)". Bruce said. "What"!? Loki yelled. He took her from Wanda and looked at her. "Stark so help me if you-" I cut Loki off. "It's not permanent". I said. (Y/n) stuck out her tongue. And chewed her hands. "This is totally black mail". Pietro said. "Shut up brother, she's helpless and adorable". Wanda said. "Who has eaten upon thy poptarts"? Thor asked. (Y/n), started making baby noises. "Lady (Y/n). You eat upon thy poptarts". Thor asked. " She pulled his beard, and smiled. "Ok, so Clint since you're the only one with kids". Steve said. "Sure". Clint said. Taking (Y/n). "Nat wanna help change (Y/n)". Clint said. Nat nodded and left with Clint.

After a while Clint and Nat came back.  (Y/n) looked at me then smirked. "Da-". She was trying to speak. "Is the tying to say dada"? Pietro said, pulling out his phone recording. "Da-da, Dada". She said pointing at me. Should I be proud or scared? "Yeah, come to Dada". I said picking her up. Clint walked up to her. "Wow, I changed you. I should get some respect". Clint said. (Y/n) poked his nose. "Wove ya". She said. Clint smiled. "Do we have to let her turn back"? Steve asked. Loki looked at the seen in front of him. "Yes, the love my life is an infant". Loki said. "Loki". She said. I gave her to Loki, she started pulling Loki's hair. "She always does this". Loki said. Loki then smiled as (Y/n) kissed his cheek. "Avengers". She said clapping her hands.

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