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(Y/n) POV

So I had to rest cause of when I got stabbed. And Loki has not left my side.  "My queen would you like anything to drink"? Loki asked. "No". I said,  Flipping threw another page of a book. "Are you sure"? He asked. "Positive". I said. Looking up at him, he nodded and sat down towards me. "I want to cuddle". Loki said. "I gotta finish the stupid ass book Loki". I said. I had to read this thick ass book. I like books and could read them in a heart beat but this one is boring and I don't get it. "Ok, I want cuddles now". Loki said now. In a imitating voice, but since he said cuddles it sounded funny so I just laughed.

"Loki you don't scare me sweety". I cooed at him. He pouted. "Please my queen, I'll help up tain a better understanding of that unworthy of our time book". Loki said. I raised an eyebrow at him. "I've red it before". He said. I nodded and open my arms he took that jester as a sign he picked me up and sat in my place wrapped his arms around me and started explaining the book in great details. After a while I got it. "Thanks Lokitty". I said, he mumbled something in my hair and fell asleep. This legit fell asleep on me, and I'm in a death grip.

I tried to get up but his grip tighten. "Don't leave (Y/n), I love you". He said. I looked and he was sleep. So he probably didn't mean the love you part I would wake him up but, he's so cute sleep. I lied there on my phone texting Wade memes and him sending memes back. You know your friendships awesome when you text each other memes. Then there was a boom and running sounds. "BROTHER LOKI". And here comes Thor. Thor bursted open the door making Loki jump and me fall on the ground. "Fuck"! I shouted I landed on my cut wound. Just fuck my life.

"My queen, I am so sorry. Thor! You bafoon what are you doing!? You made me hurt my precious (Y/n)"! Loki was yelling at Thor. "No one has seen you and (Y/n) in a while brother, We feared something bad happened". Thor explained. "Yeah ok, we're alive help me up please". Thor picked me up bridal style and sat me by Loki. "Begone Thor, my queen and I have unfinished business". Loki said. Thor nodded. "So you mean your going back to sleep with me in your death grip"? I asked smirking. "Precisely". Loki said. I snuggled up to him and went to sleep along side him.


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