Chapter 15

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(Y/n) POV)

I walked towards my college. When I saw the new anti-superhero Death Cat. He is almost as crazy as, Wade. I was watching him and Wade came from god knows where. "O you looking at Charles". Wade said upside down. "Wait, Charles. That's his name? I know a Charles, but he moved". I said. "Wait why are you upside down"? I asked Wade. "Why are you right side up". He asked me. "Um...". I started.  "Death cat"!!!! Wade yelled. The boy looked at. Wade teleported us to the roof and Charles looked at us. His eyes widen when saw me.

"(Y/n)! I haven't seen you in forever"! He yelled and pulled me into a hug. "Charles what the hell are doing here"!? I asked him. "I got powers and I wanted to join the Avengers". He said. "Dude that's awesome. I am an Avengers". I said. "Woah. No THAT'S awesome". He said. "Hey, kitty"! Wade said. "Don't call me that douchepool". He said. "Meow, meow". Wade said. Charles got mad and turned into a giant glowing saber tooth tiger with glowing red stripes on his back. "Oh. Shiit. I left the cat food in the tower". Wade said. Charles growled and bite Wade's arm off. "O look I've been impaled". I laughed.  "Wade you gotta stop pissing people off". I told him.

We walked to the tower Charles was with us. "So (Y/n) how's it being an Avenger"? Charles asked. "It's awesome". I told him. We walked in and Thor was there. "Hello, lady (Y/n) and sir Wade. Hello, midguardian male". Thor said. "Hi. My names Death cat". Charles said. "Hello, sir cat of death". Thor said. Loki came in and looked at us. "Mortal bow down to me". Loki said. "Be quiet Loki". I said. Loki huffed and pulled me to him. "Who is the midguardian child". Loki said.

"I'm Death cat". Charles said. Loki raised his eyebrow and scuffs and "ok cat of death. What do you do"? Loki asked. "I can turn into a tiger and i'm a merc'. He said. "Ok". Loki said. And dragged me away.

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