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(Y/n) POV

Put a fucking devices on me. Ok, ok. Let's see. "What are you doing"? Peter asked. "I'm gonna cut off my hand, like Wade did". I said. Peter looked at me frighten. "Our, you could not do that. Your healing ability is messed up, you could die". Peter said. "Eh, wanted to die since I was a kid. Kinda not see the red flag here". I said. Getting out a knife. Loki walked in and I hid the knife. "Why are you hiding a knife". Loki asked. "Why are you not hiding a knife"? I asked. Peter face palmed. I looked at Peter. "You try lying to someone who looks that good"! I yelled. Peter looked at Loki. "Understandable". He said leaving. "Hey, Loki baby? Love of my life. Can you get this the fucking hell off of me"? I asked.

"Sadly, no dear. I don't want to see you hurt". Loki said. "You're nice towards me makes me happy and mad". I said pouting. Loki laughed at me. "It shall be alright my queen, you only have to wear it for a couple of days". Loki said. "Ugh". I said. I started messing with it. "It's gonna shock you". Loki said. I started messing with wires. It shocked me. "Ow! Bitch fuck you"! I yelled at it. Tony walked in. "Leave it alone". He said. "Ok, if I gotta stay here I'm making it hell". I said grabbing Loki's hand and walking to my room. I went to my closet and got out some noise he gone. I gave it to him hooked my speaker up to the microphones throw out the tower, and started playing the most inappropriate, violent, loud songs I had, then locked my door. First came on Dej Loaf and Jacques you 'Make you fall in love'.

Next was 'Asshole'. After that '3x in a row'. Then WNC Whop Bezzy 'Don't start me'. Kent Jones 'Don't mind'. Came on. I don't know if knocking was at my door or not I couldn't hear. But I know when Big baby D.R.A.M 'Broccoli'. Came on my door fell. "Turn it off"! Steve yelled. "I can't hear you"! I yelled kinda true but I read his lips. Clint broke my boom box, as soon as broccoli ended. "What hell man"!? I asked. "You know these things don't work well I could still hear the songs". Loki said. "God, that hurt". Tony said. "I told you this is war". I said.

(A/n in case you want to hear the songs)

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