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(Y/n) POV

I woke up, took a shower, brushed my teeth. I put on my clothes and walked out. I looked at the time, and cursed. "Fucking shit! I'm late for training". I said. I ran to the training room, and just my luck the ONE time I'm late Nick Fury was there. "Agent (l/n), you're late". He said. "Maybe you guys are early". I said. "Drop and give me 20". He said. "I have college-". I was cut off. "30"! He yelled. I looked at him and dropped down. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, -". I said. I was sweating. "Oh, I hate life". I said. I did my last push up and and fell on the ground. "I want to die". I said. "Same". Peter said. After doing sit ups. "Spar. Agent (l/n), you're up against Wade". Fury said.

"I have class". I said. "Yeah, so do I". Peter said. "It's ok, I called the schools they know". Tony said. "Why am I always against Wade"? I asked. Everyone looked at me. I sighed. "This just makes you think of the beginning of the book". Wade said. "Wade be quiet". I said. "Make me princess". Wade said. My eyes turned black. "Let's call the Winchesters". Wade said. My eyes turned back to normal, from laughter. "Now agent (l/n)". Fury said. Wade got out his swords and threw it at me I flipped over them and it landed into the wall. "What the fuck Wade"!? I yelled. "You'll heal"! He yelled back. I flipped him off and kicked him in the balls. "Ow! I'm down"! Wade said. "Get yo ass up". I said. "No! Aw! My stomach". Wade said.

Wade got back up. "Oh, you're asking for it now". Wade said. He took out his gun, I grabbed his sword, he shot at me and I used his sword to deflect the bullets. "I threw it into his feet". I then kicked him in the face. Wade grabbed my hair as he went down taking me down with him. "Ow! Fuck Wade"! I yelled. "That's what she said". Wade said. I kicked him in the face and got up then took his gun and shot him. "That took 10 minutes agent (l/n)". Fury said. "Duh, bitch I'm tired"! I yelled. I fell on the ground. "Oh, um (Y/n). Shouldn't we tell everyone about Hydra's plan"? Peter asked. "Fuck that let them, I haven't felt this tired since I had to get a job at Burger King". I said. "Wait what about Hydra's plan? And how would you two even know"? Steve asked. "We didn't go to the party, we went on a mission". Peter said. "The hell, so you just break all the rules I give you"? Tony asked.

"Ok it all started with a whore pornstar agent, so we went to the bar right? ya know on dam street. And we found her, almost got into a bar fight. Because of all the criminals there, we saw Wade eating nachos. And he helped us and then Peter knocked, Boxy that's the whore, pornstar, agent, bitches name. And we took her to a place where no one would hear her scream or find her. Then Peter and I had a juice break even tho I drunk some liquor. Then I got a water bottle woke Boxy up by almost drowning her, she started calling Peter and I names, and didn't give us information. I threatened her she cried she laughed, more name calling. I got mad, and shot some info out of her. And Hydra is building a new Ultron that's suppose to be the the ultimate weapon. Then Peter insisted on me not to end her life, and I didn't we had to fucking swing across town with this bleeding out piece of fucking shit! To that special place where they would fix up anybody. Cause we couldn't take her to a hospital. Loki snuck us back into the tower". I said.

"I told you two not go anywhere. And don't do anything". Tony said. "Whatever, I told you that I won't listen". I said. "You two could have died". Steve said. "Well we didn't". I said. "But you could have". Tony said. "I don't see the big deal Mr. Stark, (Y/n) and I found out valuable information, by ourselves. We didn't really have any problems". Peter said. "You two are to young to realize". Clint said. "Realize what? I'm 18 Peter's 16. I think we understand the importance". I said. "Yeah, but it was a stupid mood going into a bar with every criminal in the city, what if Wade wasn't there? They would have all tried to kill you two". Steve said. I growled. "I could handle it, I wouldn't let anything happen to Peter". I said. "And what about you? You don't know how to use your powers. You're healing ability barley works right". Tony said. "What the shit are you saying"? I said. "If you two die then who do you think going to feel guilty"? Tony asked. Peter and I feel silent. "We're benching you two. We're gonna need the suits back". Tony said.

Peter and I sighed. "Fine". I said. "Not my first time". Peter mumbled. "Also you gotta wear these". Tony said, holding out two bracelets. "Because last time. Peter almost got himself killed. With vulture". Tony said. "These are"? I asked. "Tracking devices, if you take them off it will trigger an alarm and you two will not only get shocked. But it will connect with our phones". Tony said. "So we're dogs"? Peter asked offended. "Yo, I ain't no one's bitch". I said. "I can make you a collar". Tony said. "Oh, this is so war". I said leaving after Tony placed the bracelet on Peter and I.

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