Chapter 16

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(Y/n) POV)

I was hanging out with Loki. He was reading and I was on my phone reading fanfictions about him. "My queen. What are you doing"? Loki said suddenly popping up behind me. I threw my phone. And Loki looked at me I was crazy. "I was..... Looking at 101 ways to throw your phone". I said. Loki raised his eyebrow at me. That's when Wade popped up. "She wants that D"! He yelled. Charles popped up. "Ean Winchester". He said. I laughed at them as they left. I heard Charles growled as Wade said he was a pussycat. I then heard a louder growl and Wade saying Petey save me. Then everything was quiet.

I looked at Loki who was reading on my phone. My eyes widen and I tackled Loki. My phone went flying and I landed on him. He smirked at this and tried to kiss me. I put my hand on his face. "Can I braid your hair"? I asked him. I don't even know how to braid. But come one who wouldn't want to touch that beautiful hair its so luscious. Wow. Loki looked at me. "Why would you want to do that. My queen"? He asked. "I have my reasons". I told him. He sat up and I was sitting on his lap. "Can I get a kiss"? He asked. "If I can play in your hair. Yes". I said. "Ok". He said. I smirked and started braiding it. He looked like a girl with jail braids. When I was done I kissed him.

"Get some (n/n)"! I heard Wade yell. I looked and saw the door open. "Peter come babysit Wade"! I yelled. I saw a web fly and heard Wade groan. "What the shit Parker". And that's all. I laughed and Loki and me read his book. Since I was on his lap.

(A/n I have a Supernatural x sister reader. Sam and Dean are your brothers and you like Cas. So if you like Spn check it out)

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