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(Y/n) POV

I had washed all my clothes and then I realized I didn't have anything nice to wear. Tony said I couldn't wear what I had. And i don't have a dress. And just like my prayers have been answered Wanda came in with a dress. (A/n I don't like dresses but some people do so...). "Loki's wearing green to". Wanda said. "Thank you". I said smiling at her. Why did it have to me formal wear everyone might get drunk anyway. I but on the dress did my hair put on some nikes and went out. Everyone was down their. Some X men the Guardians. It was awesome. I saw Loki wearing a black Tux with a light green out line with a green tie. I walked over to him, his jaw drop. "In all the nine realms I have never seen someone as amazing exquisitely gorgeous, as you are my queen". Loki said.

"T-thanks". I said, sadly stuttering just blowing my cool. Fuck my life. "You look stunningly handsome". I sad smiling. A slow song came on. I looked confused towards Nat was at the DJ both smiling at us. "My queen I would be honored to dance with you". Loki said. "Yo, I would totally be for that. But I can't slow dance". I said, nervously. "Then I shall teach you". He said wrapping his hand around my waist and put his hand in my hand he started moving I was a little good. Considering I had tenses shoes on, Loki smiled at me. "You're doing really well". Loki said looking after my feet. Then a fast song came on and god know that Peter, Wade, and I know this song. I looked for them and saw Wade smirking and Peter started laughing. We formed up. I told Loki to make some dancing cloths appear on me, cause you can't dance like this and not mess up a dress.

(A/n You're spiderman, Peter is Black Panther and Wade is.... Wade)

We laughed when the song went off. Loki had made my dress appear. Everyone was stunned and cheering. "This what they do when they're not here"? Steve asked Nat. "I don't know but they killed it". Nat said.

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