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(Y/n) POV

I was at college bored out of my mind. I sat in my classes got bullied same old same old. I was now walking to the tower. I heard a familiar voice it was Charles. "I though Wade killed you"? I asked getting into a fighting stance. "Me too". He said. So you may be wondering what's up with us? Well this bitch had tried to sell the secret identities of all Superheros that Wade stole from Nick Fury and sell them online. And Wade and I didn't like that. "Ok Pussy cat". I said. "It's Death cat". He said. I rolled my eyes and he went for me, I easily doged his non threatening attacks but everything about him is none threatening. "You're so stupid coming back". I said. Punching him in his face. "He started bleeding he didn't have his healing factor. "Damn, you got wolverined"? (A/n crying on the inside).  I asked he glared at me. "Shut up"! He yelled. I blocked his next move and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He fell to his knees. "I'm surprised that worked". I said. kicking him in the face, he was a mess. "Ya know. You were cool". I said. And took out my pocket knife. "You're going to kill me"!? He yelled. "Hell yeah. Who the fuck you think I am. A DC character"? I asked. "You're to young to have blood on your hands. You can't kill me. The Avengers will punish you". He said. I looked at him and started laughing.

"Bitch, first of all I do what I want. Second they ain't gon know the only person I might tell are the girls, Peter, and Wade". I said. I cut his throat open and he bleed out. I looked around. "Damn, how is there no one here? I'm literally in the damn street. I blame the internet". I said aloud dragging him to an alleyway. I made sure that my prints weren't on him or anything to do with me. I walked out I realized I was covered in blood. "Fuck"! I breathe out. I ran to the tower because I don't want people to see me covered in blood. I also made sure my hood was up and my head was down because of cameras everywhere. Once I made it to the tower I went to the living room I sat on the couch. Tony walked in and saw me covered in blood. "Off the couch"! Tony yelled causing me to jump. "What"! I yelled. "What's up". Tony pointed to my blood soaked clothes. "I don't have anything to wear". I said clicking my tongue. "Whose blood"? He asked. "Um... Im not aloud to answer any questions until my lawyer is on the premises". I said. Tony rolled his eyes. "I'll just call him then. What's Matt's number"? Tony said. "It's just.... It's mine. Yeah I'm bleeding from.... Down south". I said. I want completely lying. Tony looked at me. "So all that is period blood"? Tony asked. "Yep". I lied. "Well I know you're lying but ok". He said.

Everyone else walked in with questioning looks. "My queen what happened to you"? Loki asked. "She killed somebody and won't tell us". Tony said. "Ok... ". Clint said. "Wanda, Nat? Can I please borrow some clothes"? I asked. "Sure". They said. We left the room and the boys started talking. I grabbed a black leather jacket from Wanda a black shirt from Nat. A bear of ripped blue jeans form Nat and some old Nike's from Wanda. "Thank you guys". I said. "You're welcome". Wanda said. "No problem". Nat said. "So who'd you make unlucky"? Nat asked. "Um death cat. I killed him". I said. "I thought.. Wade had killed him"? Wanda asked. "I don't know. But he ain't coming back now". I said. Nat laughed. "You did that salt and and burn thing didn't you"? She laughed. "Supernatural has taught me so much". I said. Wade chuckled. "Come on let's get back in there". I said. We walked back the boy were talking about something. We stayed back to listen. "Let's have a party. Ya know. You can bring dates". Tony said. "I don't know Tony. Your parties often leave a lot of us drunk". Steve said. "Come on Steve. Just let him, we have no other option. It's Tony". Bucky said. "Yeah let's just have it". Clint said. I walked in. "Do we have to go"? I asked. I don't like parties at all. Loki looked at me. "You don't have to". Tony said. "Awesome I'm not going". I said. Loki took my hand. "I would like to go this mortal party". Loki said to me as he lead me out of ear shot. I looked at him stunned. "You can go. I don't care". I said.

"But I want to go with you". He said. "Loki you know I don't like parties. They're not my thing". I said. "Please I want to show everyone you are mine". He said. I looked him in the eyes. "No". I said. "Please". He said. "Fine. Just because you're adorable". I said. He smiled. We walked back over to the group. "Fine I'll come. I'm not gonna enjoy it". I said. "There will be (f/f)". Pietro said. "I'm gonna fucking love the shit out this party". I said.

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