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(A/n wtf I always new Wattpad was the devils hangout lmao)

(Y/n) POV

I was training with Thor...yeah Loki wasn't that happy. He was sitting in the back of the room pouting. It was kinda cute, Thor beat the shit out of me well everyone can. But I have won some of the fights. It's not like I lose everytime. But this time got my ass beat. Thor had me pent down then helped me up. "You were a worthy opponent lady (Y/n)". Thor said smiling his hair cut suits him. You can hear a low growl from Loki. Thor and I said our goodbye. And I went over to Loki "How be jelly of ya brother"? I teased him. He walked up to me and held me. "Mine". He said. Damn is it me or possessive Loki is fucking hot?

Yeah probably just me but he held me. Then a camera clicked. I looked to see Nat holding her phone and everyone else in the doorway. "I thought you turned it off Nat"? Clint asked. "Shit". Natasha said. "As your father I have to say ew". Tony said. "Hush Stark, they are the cute together". Wanda said. "Thanks Wanda". I said. "We have a mission". Steve said. "All of us"? I asked. "No not what after Tony and Loki did". Steve said. "Wait so I'm going"? I asked. "Yes you're going on your first mission". Natasha said wiping a fake proud tear. "Oh, hell yes". I said. I went out of the room and wore some combat boots, a black leather jacket, with a gray T-shirt. I don't have a costume so this should do. I put on a mask. Because yeah no one needs to see who I am.

I walked back out and Loki was in the hallway waiting. "Be careful my queen. Call if anything bad happens, and I'll come". Loki said. "Ok". I said"I always come when you call". Loki said kissing me. I left on the helicarrier with everyone else. "Wait what the hell are we doing again"? I asked. They looked at me. "Oh right no one told you". Clint said cleaning his bow, Tony nodded at Steve who was looking at papers. "Yo cap, (Y/n) needs the mission feel in". Peitro said. "Ok, hold on". I waited a minute and then it turned to 5. "Can I like know to fucking day, damn". I said. "There is a dangerous hydra person or some shit creating meta humans or what fucking ever. And you gonna un mother fucking alive them". Wade said out of no damn where. Everyone looked around and saw a big screen and Wade appear he waved at me. "Hi (n/n)"! Wade said. The the screen lifted. "That man terrifies me sometimes". Vision said. 

Everyone nodded in agreement. We landed and as soon as we did we were attacked. "I thought we had the element of surprise Cap"! Tony said. "Well obviously we don't". Natasha said. I sighed nobody didn't move. So I just walked over to the attackers it was no more then 30 of them. "Hi"! I said. They looked at me weirdly and raised there guns. "Wait! Before you do that I have to ask something"? I said. They looked at me again. I was stalling for Nat to sneak in and get a flash drive. "So do you believe in God"? I asked them smiling creepily. Some of them nodded yes. "Oh cool good. So its gonna take a lot more them him to stop me from this". I took the man I was closer to machine gun and shot half of them. Then the avengers got to work. Steve and Clint went after the main dude while we all stayed a fought the hitch men. I only got stabbed. So that's awesome I didn't die even better.

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