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(Y/n) POV

We made it outside the tower. "Man, I got blood in my hair". I said annoyed. "Just say you got into a fight, it's not really lying". Peter said. We did just get into a fight. "Ok, yo what's the time"? I asked. "3: 45 am". Peter said. We started to panic. "When were we suppose to be home"? I asked. "12: 30". Peter said. "Oh my fucking God, I told you we should have just left her and I'll just come back and kill her". I sighed. "No, we did the right thing. It's just because we were on the other side of New York. To take her to the special hospital". Peter said. "My fucking shit damn it". I groaned. "What"? Peter asked. "They obviously know we aren't here, and ya know Friday is gonna announce us as soon as we walk in. And somebody like Tony or Bruce, are still up in the lab at this hour. And since we went out and haven't came back. Steve is up along with Nat and Clint, Wanda probably just went to bed. So our options is, we go over Wade's". I said. "Fuck we can't do that either Wade and Vanessa probably fucking each other". I said.

"You missed the big picture here". Peter said. "What"? I asked. "Loki, can't he just teleport us in"? Peter said. "Peter you are fucking genius, I see why Tony likes you. Well that and your boyish charm". I said. "I am a man". Peter said. "And I'm Beyonce. Now let's call up Loki". I said. Getting my phone. "My queen? Where are you? Why are you calling at the hour"? Loki asked me. "Yeah Loki baby, can you sneak me and Peter in? I'll answer any of your questions once inside". I said into the phone. "Where are you"? He asked.

"Just outside the tower". I said. The phone hung up and Loki appeared in front of us. "Do you not realize it's 3: 50 in the morning? Stark is constantly looking for you two in that lab. Natasha and Barton even went to the party and you two weren't even there". Loki told us. "Ok, first of all. How do they even know where the party was- ya know what never mind, I forgot they are highly skilled spies and assassins". I said. "Where were you, you smell of liquor and blood". Loki asked. "I'll tell you when we get into the tower. In your room". I said. Loki nodded teleported Peter and I into his room.

"Explain please". He said sitting on a chair. "Ok, so we were looking for a Hydra whore right"? I asked. "She wasn't that". Peter said. "Oh pornstar". I corrected. "No". Peter said. "Whatever, she was a whore pornstar agent, so we went to the bar right? ya know on dam street. And we found her, almost got into a bar fight. Because of all the criminals there, we saw Wade eating nachos. And he helped us and then Peter knocked, Boxy that's the whore, pornstar, agent, bitches name. And we took her to a place where no one would hear her scream or find her. Then Peter and I had a juice break even tho I drunk some liquor. Then I got a water bottle woke Boxy up by almost drowning her, she started calling Peter and I names, and didn't give us information. I threatened her she cried she laughed, more name calling. I got mad, and shot some info out of her. And Hydra is building a new Ultron that's suppose to be the the ultimate weapon. Then Peter insisted on me not to end her life, and I didn't we had to fucking swing across town with this bleeding out piece of fucking shit! To that special place where they would fix up anybody. Cause we couldn't take her to a hospital, and now we are here". I said.

"So we have to inform everyone else about this". Loki said. "Yeah". I said. "So, you broken basically all of Starks rules"? Loki asked. "I don't know probably". I said. "We shall tell them tomorrow". Loki said. "Yeah, and I should head off aunt May might be worried". Peter said swinging out. Loki got into his bed. "My queen are you coming"? She asked after a while. "No, I got to do more research on the Hydra plan". I said. "Please, I'd love to cuddle with you". Loki said. "Well ok, but I have a lot of stuff to did tomorrow". I said. Getting into bed.

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