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(Y/n) POV

I made it to the tower it'd been to days since I left without in word. I haven't been texting and calling then back for the sake of the mission, I walked in and saw a sleeping Loki on the couch with his phone in his hand with my contact name. I frowned at how stressed he looked, I couldn't really let him see me covered in blood with a big split in the side of my head. Maybe I should wake up Bruce-. A loud alarm went off. '(Y/n) home! (Y/n) home! (Y/n) home!' It said going off. I hid in a closet and everyone came to the living room.

"I thought you said she was here Friday"? Tony said. "Yes, she has hidden in the closet". Friday said. I squeezed my eyes and clenched my jaw then opened them and walked out the closet. "What up"! I said. Hitting my scarred arm on the door. "Aww! Fuck me"! I yelled, holding it my arm. Loki walked up to me holding my arm with his cold hands. "Not right now my queen you seem injury". Loki said. "This is not funny". I said. "So is you not answering my calls or how do you say. Messages". Loki said. Everyone else agreed. "I was on a mission". I said. "Fury never said anything about a mission". Steve said. "It wasn't directed by Fury-". Tony cut me off. "You know, has anyone seen the news"?  Tony asked. everyone looked at him confused. "Friday play tonights news and go about 10 minutes in". Tony told Friday as the TV came on. "Mask man as we just found out was Deadpool kills over 29 people and cause major traffic jam with the newest member of the Avengers (S/h/n) as you can see the two are stabbing and talking to a defenceless man over the edge of the bridge". The lady said. They looked at me. "I'm offended cause that bitch is a dick. And I ain't talking bout a little dick, a major fucking dick. And I did nothing wrong, but give him an advantage to to all of this. I fell off a fucking big ass tall ass platform into wreckage, Wade had to use his body to shield me cause he is girlfriend would have gotten way more hurt then me cause I heal fast just not 3 minutes fast". I said.

"Come on let's get you wrapped up". Bruce said. I walked over and Loki followed me. I sat down on Bruce's desk. He got a long ass needle as in a shot and a needle and tread. I looked at him. "You what you gonna do with that"? I asked pointing at the shot. "I need to numb all the wounds to stitch them". Bruce said. "I think the fuck not. Just don't use that. I'll take the sewing by itself. If I can take the hit I can take the stitch". I said. Don't get me wrong I'm not afraid of needles but this thing was huge. Loki held my hand. And looked me in the eyes. "It may surly, hurt if you do not numb it my dear. You know I loaf to see you in pain love, can you please take the the shot for me my queen"? Loki asked me, I started fidgeting with his fingers. I can't say no look at him hear him speak. It's like fucking daze that I never want to cure. "Sure, fine whatever". I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. Bruce made a jester to me that if I was ready I nodded. Loki took my hand again as he stuck the needle into my open wounds I cringed a lot holding onto Loki's hands.

Bruce then began to stitch them up just was ok with this. I've had plenty of stitches. "Are you ok"? Loki asked. "I got used to this part". I said. "You can't get used to pain darling". I said. "Baby you ain't got no idea". I said, letting out a dry laugh. Loki looked at me in my eyes searching for something. We broke eye contact when Bruce said he was finished. I walked back to the living room everybody looked at me. "So how's life been"? I asked. "Did Wade join the X-men"? Tony asked. "Probably, he did say he'll think bout it". I said. "Did they say anything about you joining"? Nat asked. "Yeah, I don't want to be there cause. I don't think I can get along with some of those kids. Plus I'm an Avenger". I said. "Good, we wouldn't want to lose you". Wanda said. "Aye y'all should watch put for Peter tho, cause they recruiting any awesome people". I said.

"Good to know". Tony said. "I got to go". I said. "Where"? Loki asked. "Class I'm still in college". I said. "Is it safe, for you to go out like that"? Thor asked. "Probably not. But common sense tells me, that I need to finish college". I said. "Not really, I'm Tony stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. You don't have to go-". I cut him off. "You had me at not going to school". I said. Tony laughed at me. "But I still need to go". I said. I limped over to my book bag in the corner of the room. "I got stuff to do after school anyway". I said. "What stuff"? Pietro asked. "It's stuff dude, just stuff". I said. "Is stuff illegal"? Steve asked. "I'm 18, what I want to do is required to be 21. 3 difference fake ID's. Yeah, no it isn't". I said. "So what I got from this was that you want to go from a bar, and get wasted"? Clint said. "Exactly".  I said, leaving." (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), you better come home straight after school"!! Steve yelled. "Peace". I said walking, making my way to school.

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