Chapter 8

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(Y/n) POV)

I was in my house when I smelled pancakes. I got up and walked to my kitchen. And saw Wade cooking an inhuman amount of pancakes. "What the fuck, Wade"? I asked him. " Hi, (n/n) want a pancake"? He asked. I just let out a sigh "Sure". I said he gave me some fresh pancakes.

"(N/n), I'm gonna take these to the children's hospital. Want to come"? He asked leavening out and coming back with three shopping carts. "Yes". I grabbed some pancakes and we started loading them. To think 2 days ago i was basically suicidal and now I'm an Avengers living happily.

We made it to the hospital Wade started playing +we are the champions+. I smiled at him. And people think Wade is insane and childish. Well, he is but he does care. The kids started getting hyped up and happy and we passed out pancakes. The kids must love when Wade's here as Deadpool. Because some ran up to hug him.

The doctors and nurse looked like they liked when Deadpool was here. They smiled at him, this was the only place, Wade must come to not feel like he is unwanted. Wade played with the kids as I watched. After a while, we left. We went to the tower. And they looked like they were having a serious conversation.

Wade and I just were in a corner thinking about what we can do to make them noticed us. All of a sudden Wade threw a lamp across the room. Everyone stopped and looked at the lamp than at the direction it came from. "Hello". Wade and I said together. "What the fuck when did they get here". Tony said. "Why did you throw the lamp"? I asked Wade ignoring Tony.

"It was just in the heat of the moment". Wade replied. I started to panic. Everyone looked at me. "What the fucking hell Wade Tuesday". I stated looking around. "Oh, shiiit". Wade started the paused. "But yesterday was and Tuesday and today is Tuesday".

"I don't even know what's wrong with them, but just let you two know yesterday was Monday". Sam said. "Accidents just don't happen accidentally". I said. "I don't understand then why do they call it an accident"? Thor said. " Do you know who spies on people Cas? Spies". Wade said. "Who is the Cas person"? Loki said. "He's an Angel". I said. "A sexy Angel" Wade finished.

Everyone looked at us weirdly put Natasha. "There quoting and talking about a show, Supernatural". She said. Everyone had an 'O' face.  Everyone sat down on the couch and Peter came. "Hi, Petey" Wade and me both said. "Hi, guys". Peter responded sitting by us. "Guys I was having this nightmare. I dreamed I took Liam Neeson's daughter and he was just not having it". Wade told us. Peter and I just looked at him. So told them one of my dreams. The Avengers wanted to hear too.

"So I was sitting on my couch chilling when water came out of nowhere and then i drowned. After I took my last bit of breath. I was in what, a torcher dungeon. And a black and white dressed clown with a long ass fucking noise and a gray skin colored dude with a blue mask with no eyes. Started to walk to me. The masked dude had a scalpel and started saying something like i want to eat your kidney and the clown said something like you won't leave like Isaac did. And then the clown pulled out some candy and told me told me to eat it. He got upset when the blue masked dude slapped the candy out his hand. So they started fighting and an elf looking boy came threw a TV and said 'You shouldn't have done that' to them and they told him to shut the fuck up Ben which i guess his name was. And a door opened and a pale white as a paper skinny boy with dark hair and his eyelids burned off and a smile that was cut in his face walked in. He said 'Hey E.j and L.j have you seen Ben'? Then he looked at me then smiled more, and his cheeks started bleeding from the cut smile. He leaned over to me and asked 'Aren't I beautiful'? And I looked at him and said I've seen better looking then he gutted me alive the masked dude ate my kidney and the clown and elf dude just laughed saying 'go Jeff' and the last thing i heard before i woke up was the Joker whisper to me 'go to sleep'".

I was done with my nightmare i had a poker face during the whole thing and everyone else was frighten. Finally Tony broke the silence. "What the hell"!? I just shrugged. "How many times you've had that dream"? Wanda asked. "Maybe once or twice a month". I answered. "I think you need to stop eating junk food before bed". Bruce said. "That's probably why i had a dream about pinky pie off of my little ponies killing me and putting my organs into cupcakes". I said.

"I really think its best not to eat junk before bed if it causes those types of dreams". Loki said. "I've had worse dreams than those". I told him. "I honestly think those aren't healthy dreams" Vision said. I just shrugged at everyone just stared at me.

(A/n if you get who those people are in the dream you're awesome. If you didn't don't worry you're still awesome)

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