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(Y/n) POV

I brought Peter to an broken down apartment building. I opened the door, everything on the inside is clean. I grabbed a chair and chains, then put Boxy in the chair and tied her up. "Where, why, what the heck"!? Peter says. "Spider this my calm zone. I come here often, Peter looked around. "Why do you have chains"? He asked. "For decoration, it's a real conversation starter. As you can see". I pointed between him and me. "You want something to drink"? I asked. "Do you have any juice"? Peter asked. "Yeah, apple, orange, or kool aid"? I asked looking through the fridge. "Apple"! Peter shouted. Poured him a cup and gave it to him. "Thank you". He said. "So are we verbally talking to her or". I cracked my knuckles. "Physically"? I finished.

"Let's just try verbal". Peter said. I nodded and got out a water bottle. I poured in on Boxy until she woke up, coughing like she was drowning. "Who the hell are you two"? She asked. "You know who we are. You know what we can do. Better question is are you gonna give us what we want"? I asked. She laughed. "Aww, kid. Playing Batman I see, and what do you two want"? She asked amused. "We would like the information that you have about Hydra's next plan". Peter said. "What makes you think im gonna defy Hydra for two kids"? She asked. I got mad. "Look bitch, just to let you know one of these two kids don't give a flying fuck about your skanky pornstar looking ass to die, so one of us might just kill you". I said. "You're not gonna kill me, you need information from me". She said. I got out my gun and cocked. "Mother fucker, do you think I care I'll go into Hydra my damn self and burn everything to the ground". I said smiling. "Wa-wait you can't kill me your superheros". She said. "This ain't DC, bitch I'll kill you". I said. She started to cry. "Don't cry"! Peter said.

"Spider just let her cry. I mean im gonna shoot her anyway, she won't be crying for much longer, if she doesn't give me what I fucking want"! I yelled at her then she started laughing. "You don't have the guts"!! She yelled. I raised my gun to her head. "Bitch, try me". I said. She still didn't talk. "Ok, if that's what you want". I shoot her in the collar bone purposely. "Damn, I missed your head! Hold still"! I yelled. She let out a night pitch scream. "No, no, ok. Hydra is making another Ultron it'd gonna be smarter. And a hella lot harder to kill. It's can take out Russia if it wanted to. And it only has one mission. Kill every superhero". She said. "Thank you". I said reloading my gun. "What are you doing!? I gave you what you wanted"! She yelled. "Yeah you still disrespected Spiderman and myself". I said aiming for a her head again. "(S/h/n)! No. We will not kill her. She gave us everything we needed. We have to get her to a hospital". Peter said. "You're so fucking lucky. Spiderman won't be here next time. So you better feel lucky, don't do any crime. Or I will find you and rip you into tiny little piece and blend you into a smoothie and drink it". I said. Peter looked at me in disgust. "I'm kidding, but I will kill you tho. So don't do anything". I said. Using my gun to knock her out.

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