Chapter 11

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(Y/n) POV)

I guess Tony had adopted me because it's all over the damn news. I sighed and look at the sky. And started mumbling to my parents. And then I got up and Saw Wade. "Hi, (n/n)". Wade said while watching my little ponies. "Hey, Wade. Do I have like any enemies"? I asked him. "Yes! You've been over the fourth wall for so long you forgot your enemies"? Wade said laughing.

"Wait you know about-". Then it hit me. Wade can look beyond the wall. Hell in the comics he just rips his own pages to back in time or forward. "Wishes do come true". Wade said. I nodded my head at him. And he got up. "You wanna go out to eat"? He asked? "Kinda broke your stove". I shrugged and we went to Mc Donald's. And ate breakfast there. Walked back to my house and we saw fire trucks.

"I wonder whose on fire". Wade said. I shrugged we made it to my house to see. That it was burned halfway down. A car was but I'm the middle and it must have caught fire. "Oh my fucking God"! I screamed. And the driver of the car came to me. "I am so sorry". She said. "I lost control". She finished. "This was my parent's house". The police came to me asking me bull shit questions.

And the last question they asked did Wade and me have somewhere to stay. I thought about the tower. "Yes". They talked about my insurance coverage. And Wade and I left. "You ok (n/n)"? Wade asked. "No". Simply stated and we walked to the tower. I didn't see Tony. "Tony can you please get your ass out here". I said to Friday so she can tell him. And thanked Friday.

"What is it"? Tony asked. "Can Wade and me stay here for a while? My house burned down". I asked him then explained this bitchy situation. "You can Wade can't". Tony said. "Aww. Come on iron ass". Wade said. "Wade. Hon. Let me talk". I told him. I gave Tony some puppy dog eyes stuck out my bottom lip and started looking like a sad puppy. "Please. Father". I said. Tony gave in. "Thanks, Father".I said.

And with that Wade and I are now staying with the Avengers. Wade and I shared a floor. Since im the only one besides Peter who can put up with him. Loki wasn't really happy about that, but oh well. "(Y/n), do not let this walking eggplant be so close to you". Loki said. "Yo. I'm right here and its Mr. Eggplant to you". Wade said laying on the couch in my room. We looked at him. "Sorry I use humor to deflect my insecurities. Plus, I'm hilarious. Don't hate". Wade said. "I feel like you and Wade can get along pretty great if try hard enough". I said.

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