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(Y/n) POV

I was sitting the living room. It was peaceful nothing was happening. Everything was pretty normal, well as normal as the Avengers get. Then shit happened and by shit I mean Wade happened. He came in blowing a horn, I looked at him confused along with everyone else. "(N/n), we need to go". He said. "Ok". I said getting up. "Aren't you gonna ask where he's taking you"? Tony asked. "With Wade i don't want to know until we get there". I said. " This is why we are best friends". Wade said. Breaking a window. And grabbing my hand and he basically pushed me out the window. "(Y/N)"!! I heard the Avengers yell as I fell. Wade jumped after me then grabbed my hand. And teleported to a warehouse it was a condom factory. "Wade"? I asked. "What up"? He said.

"Why are we at a condom factory"? I asked. "Obvious, to poke holes in them". Wade said laughing. "Ok"? I said. "But really were here to meet someone who owes someone else a lot of money. And if they ain't getting paid im not getting paid". Wade said taking some condoms and putting them in his pouch. "Well let me change into my mask right quick". I said. I went being a machine then came back out ready. "Ok, let's go". Wade said, leading me further into the factory. He slipped something to me, it was a couple of condoms. I gave him a confused look. "Trust me. You'll need those later". He said. I just shrugged

"Hey cock suckers"! Wade said. A couple of police men came out. "What the fuck"? Wade said. "Why are the 5-o here"? I asked Wade. "Oh you little pussy, gonna bring the cops here". He yelled. He shot them, I started at Wade. "Dude you just shot cops"! I said. "The x-men kills cops all the time, they even recorded that one song-". I cut Wade off. "That was Ice-T". I said. "Why do I always get them mixed up"?  He asked. I laughed at Wade. I followed him to the back of the factory where we found a door. Wade opened it. And there was a arrow in his chest. "Oh, this is just senseless. Who commits suicide with a arrow"? Wade said. I looked at him and back at the dead guy. "Well at least you get paid". I said. "Yeah, basically all that matters". Wade said. as he went to go find the money. Arrow shot pass me completely missing. "Well that can't be Hawkeye, cause he doesn't miss". I said. "Who are you"? Wade asked the figure. He didn't respond. "Ooo. Mysterious, sexy". Wade said.

The person still didn't do anything. "Yo, English do you speak it"? I asked. "The person shot me in the arm with an arrow. "What the fuck"!? I yelled in pain. Wade shot the person and the bullet missed. "Fuck". I heard Wade mumbled. "Dude, you better be deaf, blind, or can't speak fucking English". Wade said. "Wade. I'm gonna take a nap". I said. Passing out.

(Wade's POV)

I heard (Y/n) fall down with a thud. The figure stepped out the shadow. "Hello Wade". Oh my shit biscuit it be death. "What the hell"? I asked. "I just wanted to see how my favorite ex is doing". She said. "Well not to good. Considering. You shot my damn friend". I said. "She's just poisoned". Death said. "Will she live"!? I yelled. "Maybe". She said. "Oh my god". I said.  "I'm joking she'll be find". She said. I let out a sigh of relief. I looked for the money and when I found a brief case full of it. "Well good seeing you again sweet cheeks". I grabbed (Y/n) and teleported to the tower. I was in the living room. I heard mumbling from the kitchen. "Um. Avengers assemble"! I yelled. Everyone came running in. They looked at me the  at (Y/n).

"What the hell happened"!? Loki yelled. "Death shot her". I said. "She's alive and I took care of her wound". I said. "Damn it Wade, this is why we shouldn't let you two go alone together". Steve said. "It wasn't my fault in anyway". I said. "Yeah, but still". Bucky said. "She's had way worse, guys". Nat said. "And at least Wade helped her". Wanda said. "Yeah, give him some slack". Clint said. "She'll wake up soon". I said, taking (Y/n) in her room

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