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(Y/n) POV

I woke up in the infirmary. Everyone was right beside me. "Woah, I feel like someone who just found out that the dude that play Leo off of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, is one of the creators and voice actors in robot chicken". I said rubbing my head. "Wait, what?! Is that a true fact"!? Peter yelled. "Yeah, Seth Green". I said. "Aww. Look at her waking up and ruining childhoods". Wade said. "Are you ok, my queen"? Loki asked. "Yeah, what happened"? I asked. "Well ask shit face himself". Tony said. "Ya know ironass, that hurt". Wade pointed at his heart. "Right there". Wade said.

"Wade had took you off on a mission. And I guess death shot you. Am I correct"? Vision asked. "Oh, yeah the condom factory. Did you get the money"? I asked Wade. "Yeah, here's you cut". Wade said throwing me a thousand dollars. "I didn't know I was getting paid". I said, taking the money.  Wade shrugged. "Wait did you say condom factory"? Clint asked. "No. No, she said My Little Pony Friendship is Magic convention". Wade said. "Wait the mission was at the condom factory"?  Tony asked laughing. "Yeah, all the dicks are there". Wade said. Peter and I laughed at this. Then quickly stopped after everyone gave us a look. "Lady (Y/n), are you able to walk"? Thor asked. "I dunno lemme see". I said. Getting up walking a couple steps then I felt dizzy and started falling. And Sam caught me. "You ok"? Sam asked.

"Yeah". I said. Loki picked me up bridal style. "You're obviously in no condition to go anywhere. So I'm putting you on bed rest for at least until you feel better". Bruce said. "I am totally ok with that. Like fuck. No school". I said. Wade and Peter high fived me. "Don't worry. All of us will help you. Cause Bruce and I are smart. Bucky and Steve are basically walking history books. Nat knows math along with Clint. Everyone can help you learn". Tony said.

"I didn't know I asked to learn". I groaned. "It'll be fun". Steve said. "Yeah, we can tell you how it was back in the good ole days. When kids couldn't curse until they were 26". Bucky said. "How is that good days"? I asked. "I have a head ache". I said. "Loki, you do know you can put me down right"? I told him. "I'm quit ok with this". Loki said. "Well as long as you want to I guess". I said.  "But that ninja turtles thing tho. That was like for real, for real"?  Pietro asked. "Yes". I said. "Let's watch robot chicken when we get to the living room". I said. "I have no idea what that is". Steve said. Bucky, Thor, and Loki nodded. "You'll see". Wade and I said.

Loki carried me to the living room. Wade went to my recorded episodes of robot chicken. "What the hell"? Thor asked. looking at the jack and Jill one. Ya know with the movie Adam Sandler? "Why did he just cut his throat, I think I'm gonna be sick". Sam said. "Because as the reflection said he is both jack and Jill and basically crazy". I said. A few minutes "I never heard of the cartoon school house rock". Peter said. "Same". I said. "I don't gammer so this song is just fucked up". Wade said. As the dude started singing. "What the fuck, he just smashed that menu of that poor lady's head... For using the wrong conjunction". Bucky said. "This is the Jetsons, I know this". Loki said. After it ended. "I don't remember it happening like that". Loki said. "Awesome it's the Predator". Peter said. "Why the hell is that dude fucking a tree"? Sam said. "And that's Leo". I said. "Please don't call him that". Pietro said. Another on came on it was talking about Spiderman. The one dude was complaining about Spiderman and the other one said. "I know you're like the Avengers music". Or some shit like that. Then it was a stage and they started talking about Steve super soldier serum. Saying how he can run, jump, fight, then a man came out of nowhere saying.

"And dance". He started tap dancing. And next Thor started singing about being a thunder god tf?  And next was Nat and Clint singing about webs and and arrows and loving each other and shit. Then Stan Lee was in the piano saying "you know in South America spiders eat birds". And next was Loki and Tony singing. And this looks like when Loki was trying to enslave new York. And Tony said. "No you wont, no you won't. Cause we have a Hulk". Besides the terrible shaming Tony singing voice was on point. And everyone started singing and the hulk blow up killing the actors. Everyone was fazed. Wade was laughing. "Best thing ever". He said clapping. Peter looked weirded out. "What the heck was this show, why is this a kids show"? Steve asked. "Well it's not". I said. "Adult swim". I said. "So not for kids". Peter said. "We watch these for fun. Put this one was disturbing". I said Peter nodded in agreement. "This is now banned from in avengers headquarters". Tony said. "Why"?  Peter, Wade, and I asked. "Because they didn't even get my hair right". Tony said.

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