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"So...". I started. "Does anyone know any good pranking"? I asked. "We could frosting a hat box, like a cake and when they get ready to eat it they'll be disappointed". Peter said. We all looked at him. "You're adorable, Pete. But think bigger". I said. "I don't see you coming up with anything". Peter said. I but up a fake offended look. "Wow I thought we had something special, Pete". I said. We both started laughing. "Ok how about we put scorpions inside there pillow cases and when they get ready to sleep they get a surprise". Wade said smiling. "I actually enjoy that plan". Loki said. "Ok, listen we need something in between what Peter just said, and what you just said". I told them. They nodded.

"Ok I got it. So like we make donuts then we but mustard as the filling and say its lemon. And we make hot sauce juice we tell em it is kool aid". I said. "Well fuck me on a dirty mattress that's just gonna be funny". Wade said. "Yeah, awesome". Peter said. "Let's start". Loki said smiling. We all high five each other. And went to the kitchen. "Ok, Wade. Since you know the hots sauce juice recipe, you and Peter make that. Loki and I will make the mustard filled donuts". I said. Everyone got to work. It didn't take long to make the hot sauce juice and after the donuts we're ready we filled them with mustard.

"This looks good enough to eat". Peter said. "Just don't". I said. The elevator ding we ran around the kitchen cleaning it then got the stuff ready. "Hi". We all said. "Hey guys" Pietro said, automatically gazing at the donuts. "What you four up to"? Steve asked. "We made you snacks freedom ass". Wade said. "Um..."? Everyone said. "Just eat the damn food and drink the beverages". Loki said. "Yeah,  please". Peter said. They all nodded. They took a donut and a drink. "Aren't you guys gonna eat"? Clint asked. "We had some". I said. And just like that they all bit into it and started spitting it out. "This is fucking horrible". Tony said. They all drunk the drink to wash out the taste.

"What the hell"!? Nat yelled. They were mad. Well except Vision he didn't eat anyway. "Time to swing". Peter said. He ran out with Wade, Loki teleported us to the park, I texted Wade to tell him to come with Peter. "How long will we need to stay away from them"? I asked. "Darling maybe a while". Loki said. Peter and Wade made it. "Ok, we obviously can't go to our homes. Everyone knows where Peter lives, Loki and I stay at the tower so Wade you got any ideas"? I asked. "We can stay at the pent house I stay in, it's awesome only one dead body and that's just the dude that owned it"! Wade said.

"Awesome, ok. Let's do that". I said. "Wait what about aunt May"? Peter asked. "Damnit Parker, just say your at a sleep over with Ned for like a week, and that he wants to build a star wars death star thing". I said. "Wait, I don't talk about Ned, and how do you know-". Peter was cut off by Wade. "Let's go". He said. Wade whispered that I should be more careful and we started walking to his pent house.

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