Chapter 19

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(Loki's POV)

I was watching my queen read a book. When Wade tackled her. "What the fucking hell Wade"!? Said my queen. "Nothing". Raisin man said. "Don't you love duct tape? I love duct tap. I love the feeling. The noise. I love saying it. Duct tap duct tap duct tap". Raisin man said letting out a heart felt sigh. "Yeah". My queen said. "Come with me on a mission with Charles". Raisin man said. "Ight". My queen responded. "I shall go to". I said. They both looked at me. Wade let out a squeal and my queen smiled and took my hand. We all left to find Death Cat. It took us a minute put he was in a milk store of course Wade being the prick he is commented on that.

"Little kitty needs some milk"? Wade said purring at him. I smirked at this cause it was quite amusing (Y/n) let my hand go and went to go stop Wade from making Death Cat mad. And reveal who he is. "Next stop is Petey". Wade said. "Yeah, Peter"! (Y/n) shouted and her and Wade jumped up and down laughing. "We saw him sitting on the edge of the roof eating a churro. Wade teleported up to him. And then he teleported both of them down. "Hi everyone"! Peter said. "Hi Petey"! (Y/n) said. "Hey Peter". Charles said. "Hello mortal". I said. He smiled. "Lets go an un-alive some people"! Wade shouted loudly causing some midguardians to stare.  

"Not of you get us thrown in jail. Before we can actually do something". Charles said. "Right". (Y/n) followed. Wade lead us to a building that was heavily guarded. "Wait". I said. "What is the mission about"? I asked. "Those people used up my duct tap". Wade said charging in to attack dodging bullets but also getting shot. I signed as they all went to help. I started using my illusions and magic to fight. After everyone was dead. And Wade killed all the men Peter webbed down. He we went in. Bloody there was more people outside then in so we killed them easily I took out to daggers and started spinning them. And stabbed one guy in the throat. (Y/n) took 3 out with her powers and Peter was webbing them together for us. Charles had turned into a Wolf and clawed threw everyone. We killed everyone but Wade was gone. He went to the other room 5 minutes later he came out with his guts hanging out. And duct tap in his hands. "Keep staring I know I'm sexy". Wade said. Peter and (Y/n) went to help him. While me and Charles faced palmed.

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