Chapter 3

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(Y/n) POV)

I walked into my college so the bullying never stopped. I sighed as I was walking and someone knocked my books down. "Watch where you're going, bitch"! He said. "Asshole" I silently groan. I walked to the front of the class. "Everyone always wanted the back. Because the teacher doesn't really look back there".

I didn't listen or even care about the lesson. So I just nodded my head making it look like I was listening. After an hour the bell rung. P.E. I honestly hated it. I could do the work I'm just lazy ass fuck. Another 6 hours pass of hel-School. And finally, it was time to leave.

I quickly got my stuff and as the bell rang. And speed walked outside. I was pulled back by another one of my bullies James. Who had a crush on me but i hated him. With a deep passionate hate. " Hi, bitch". I looked at him annoyed. "Bye, bitch". I said wanting to walk away and go home.

"You have a mouth on you for such a quiet girl". He said. "What do you want"!? I whispered yelled at him. " A lot of things". He looked me up and down. Then I heard a gun blast. And Wade with his Deadpool costume. "Hello"! He said to me. "Hi..." I awkwardly said. As Wade looked the man up and down. "Who the hell are you"!? James said.

"You friendly neighborhood Deadpool"! Wade smiled. And punched James. "Don't ever mess with my best friend you bitch caking dick fudge sucker" Wade went from Zero to hero real quick. "I'm not a superhero author" I looked at Wade. Remembering that he breaks the fourth wall.

"And when can we see Loki's smexy ass". Wade said looking at the sky. I was visibly flustered at the mention of Loki's name. He might be seen as a bad guy to other but really. He is just misunderstood and was lied to growing up. To be honest I've seen Ragnarok I think Thor's the adopted one.

I laughed to myself. Wade and i waited on Peter. He came over bruised. Aww, my little cinnamon roll. I beat it was that Jerk Flash. Wade looked at Peter. "Oh, hell no! Nobody hurts my precious to good for the world other best friend"! Wade went to the school and he was gonna blow it up until Peter and I grabbed him.

We pulled Wade all the way back to my home. And we broke off in a sprint when we heard Police sirens. I opened my door and the locked it. "So (n/n), you wanna watch Supernatural"? Wade asked turning on the TV like he comes here every day. But i just replied happily.

"Hell yes! You in Petey"? " Y-yeah, sure" he stumbled on the couch and we watched the awesome show. Until Peter and I got an alert to come to the tower. "No Jack was just doing something awesome"! I groaned

"He was blinking". Peter said getting up. "Just awesome". Wade and I said. Peter and I left. I'm pretty sure Wade stays here with me. Wade continued to watch the show and Peter and I were gone.

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