Chapter 4

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(Y/n) POV)

Peter and I reached the headquarters after a short amount of time. I observed the place it was really awesome. We went to what looked like a meeting room. We saw all the Avengers there. "Well isn't it the 2 youngest Avengers". Tony greeted.

Peter smiled like a dork. "Hi, Mr. Stark". "Hi, Tony". I said. "You two are probably wondering what you're doing here". Steve said. "Yeah. Because I was watching Supernatural and Jack did something adorable". I said looking off into the distance. "(Y/n), he was blinking" Peter stated. "And it was freaking adorable".

"Anyway I made you guys new costumes, with the help of Bruce". A Spiderman suit that was glowing appeared. And an all-black suit appeared. It looked amazing bulletproof, fireproof, waterproof, and different buttons on it. " Is Karen still there"? Peter asked. "Yes. And (Y/n) Cody is still in yours". I smiled as Tony said that not even knowing who the fuck is Cody.

"You kids should try them on". Clint said. Peter and I nodded and grab the suits. After about 4 minutes we came out. " Woah this is awesome" Peter stated. "Hell yeah". I responded. "Language". Tony said and smirked and Steve sighed. " I'm really never gonna live that down. Am I"? Said Steve. Everyone responded with a "Nope".


Peter and I put our suits in our book bags. I saw Loki staring at me with a smirk. I got visibly frustrated and Looked anywhere but at him. "Fucking Tom Hiddleston" I mumbled annoyed at my fucking emotions.

I saw Wade come in. And started ranting about My little pony. I saw Loki frown a little. As I laughed at Wade's stupid Joke. "Yo (n/n), The cold reindeer has been staring at you". Wade said. As he lifted his mask to eat a Taco. "Why-why is he doing that"? I asked worriedly. "He totally likes you" Wade sounded like a girl. "Shut up"! I yelled a little at him.

Wade looked at me "Oh I'm a teenage girl I rather be anywhere but here. I'm  all about long sullen silence followed by mean comments, followed by sullen silence". Wade looked me in the eyes playfully. " What's it gonna be long sullen silence or mean comment"? He said. "You're a dick" I laughed at him.

Wade and I died in our own laughter while everyone stared at us. "I forbid my daughter to date the dried up grape". Tony crossed his arms and said this. "I'm not your daughter". I said confused. "Do you wanna be"? He asked. "No". I stated. Loki left slightly angered. Wade and I continued to goof off. And Peter later joined the fun.

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