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(Y/n) POV

Ok so get this Loki still has me in a death grip and it's morning. And I'm hungry there's only one thing to do. "Loki wake yo bitch ass up,  I'm fucking hungry and I will kill you"! I yelled in his ear. He woke up and fell off the bed I sprinted out into the kitchen and there it was. Wade necked in a apron making pancakes. If I wasn't such a Marvel fan o
I would scream put I've seen this before. And plus I'm hungry so... "Wade,  please give me pancakes". I said. "Sure". Wade said. Wade handed me a plate and we sat down to talk.

"So you and frosty, been up there for a while". Wade was smirking. "Yeah. Sleeping he's been tired, and so have I". I said. "I'm sure you are". Wade said. "Whatcha talking bout Wade"? I asked. "Loki was falling for like 15 minutes and you aren't in your right world". Wade said. I nodded at Wade's logic which I don't understand. "Do you think they're actually crab in a Krabby patty"? Wade asked. I looked at him. "Maybe, that would just be wrong, but Mr. Krabs is cheap so...".

"What the fuck Wade"! Was heard. We both turned our attention to a screaming Tony. "Hi Tony". I said. "Sup iron ass". Wade said. "Pancake"? I asked. Tony slowly backed out the room. "Weird". Wade said scratching his head. I nodded, Wade left to the children's hospital. I walked into the living room where Pietro was. "Hey Pie". I said. "Hello, wanna play this video game with me"? Pietro asked. "What we playing"?  I asked. "Call of Duty". Pietro said. "Hell yes". I said. Long story short I kept killing Pietro even when  he was on my side.

He got mad a speeded me out the tower. Leaving me to walk all the way back in. "Bitch ass speedster". I said. I walked back in the tower,  and saw Natasha. "Hi Natasha". I said. "Hey, (Y/n), I told you you could call me Nat". Sue said. "Awesome". I said. "Wanda and I are going shopping later wanna come"? She asked. "Yeah,  I gotta tell Wanda about her thick accented brother son of bitch" I said. We both laughed.

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