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(Y/n)'s POV

I sighed bored, Loki was on a mission with everyone but Bucky and Bruce. Bruce couldn't go because he needed to check on my condition every once in awhile. I fell asleep in the living room, I was having a nightmare about my old life. "You're no one". "I bet your parents killed there selves". I fell in my knees in my dream state crying. I on curled to a ball, I couldn't handle this. "You you can stay in this world forever sweety"?  The voice my dead mom said. "You're a little piece of shit. If anything you should have died". My dad screamed.

(Bucky's POV)

I heard crying and mumbles coming from the living room. "Um... Friday? What's going on"? I asked. "Ms. (L/n). Seems to be having a nightmare. Her heart rate, is high. And stress levels are higher". Friday said. I went to (Y/n). She was sweaty and crying. "(Y/n)! Wake up"! I yelled. She started crying harder. I shook her with my normal arm. "Please wake up". I said, shaking her awake. She slowly woke up tears pouring down. She pulled me into a hug crying. We didn't saying anything she just cried and a stayed there still. "It's ok, I know how it feels". I said, referring to the nightmares. To be honest this isn't the first time this has happened its mostly me.

"Stay with me"? She asked. "Ok". I said. I fell asleep with her in my arms she did the same. I like (Y/n), she's like a sister to me. We slept peacefully until. "What the fuck"!? Was heard. We bolted up and it was Tony who yelled it. "What are you doing with my queen you mewling quim"!? Loki yelled. "Chill out, Loki. Bucky stayed with me because of a really bad nightmare". (Y/n) said. "You had a nightmare, Buck"? Steve asked. "No, she did". I said. "Mr. Stark. Ms. (L/n), blood pressure is higher then a normal teens. Her heart rate was off the charts, and she's going through a high stress level. I've informed Doctor, Banner. He's fixing medicine". Friday said. "Thank you Friday". Tony said.

"I'm totally fine". (Y/n) said. "Doesn't seem so shorty". Tony said. Bruce came in with pills and water. He gave them to me, he was watching to see if ill take them. "You gotta watch me"?  She asked. "Sorry". Bruce said. She took the pill,then drunk the water. still couldn't walk to the bathroom to spit the pills out."Can someone help me to the bathroom"? She asked Loki picked her up and carried her. As soon as she was out of ear shot, they started speaking. "You guys know she didn't swallow that pill right"? Nat asked. "Yeah". We all said. "Should we be concerned"? Vision asked. "I don't understand, why wouldn't she take her medication"? Thor asked. "Loki might speak to her". Sam said.

(Y/n) POV

"Queen"? Loki asked. "What up". I said. "You know that medicine you didn't swallow"? He asked. I just looked at him. "I have no idea what you're talking about". I lied. "You're an awful lier darling". He said. "That isn't true tho". I said. Loki gave me a questioning look. "Look, I'm not a big fan on pills". I said. "Don't you want to get better, so you can spend more time with me"? He asked. "Yeah". I said. "Then please take the pill". He said. I nodded and took the pill out of my hand and took it. "Ok, now did you really have to go to the bathroom or did you want to flush the pill"? He asked. "Yeah". I said. Loki chuckled and turned around and walked quickly to the living room. "She took it". He said.

"I'm throwing a party". Tony said. Everyone groaned while I just stayed there. In the movies Tony parties were full of people. "Everyone has to come. (Y/n), you can bring your school friends". Tony said, everyone perked up not ever seeing me with normal people. "I don't have school- wait I'm in college, well I don't have any friends besides you guys". I said "Technically, we're basically your parents, aunt's, uncles, brothers, and sister". Nat said. "Wait... So what I got from that was. Steve and Tony are dating"? I asked everyone laughed put them. "No". They said. "But Steve is obviously a mom, and Tony is my adopted acholic father". I said. "Aye she got a point". Sam said. "I am a man". Steve said. "Whatever duh. Unless that serum changed something down there". I said. "She means your dick". Wade yelled coming in the living room. "Where are you coming from"? I asked. "Your room". Wade said "But like why tho"? I asked, and Wade sat on the other side of me. "You really don't want to know". Wade said. "Does it involve a unicorn"? I asked. "Yes". Wade said laughing. "Were you on my bed"? I asked. "Yes". He said. I gave Wade a disgusted look. "I'm gonna wash my sheets". I said. "What did he do"? Vision asked. "Um... It's something that he should do in his own house". I said. "I had a tea party". Wade said.

"Yeah, I know you wasted tea on my sheets. It's nasty how sticky it's gonna be". I said. why did everyone seem to just let out a relived sigh. "What you guys think I did"? Wade asked. "Y'all nasty". I said. "For real, I only jerk off in your rooms". Wade said. Everyone looked horrified. Wade started laughing. "You're not making this any better on yourself Wade". Steve said. "That's my superpower Steve". Wade responded. "Wait I sleep in Loki's room sometimes". I said. Wade laughed I beat him sitting down with my cane.

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