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(Y/n) POV

I woke up and felt weird. I saw my hair it had pink stuff in it. The thing that really had me really scared as I looked at the mirror was the makeup, I don't like make up and it wasn't even the good kind someone can pull off. It was pink every fucking thing was pink the damn clothes I had on was pink. I screamed bloody murder. "Ms. (L/n), you seem stressed. Should I inform the Avengers"? Friday asked. "Tell the Avengers to please get their asses in here". I told Friday. And with that everyone was in my room. "Ok, excuse my French. But what she shitting fucking hell fucking unicorn shit happened to my face"!? I yelled.

"You wanted us to give you a makeover". Wanda said. "The fucking, when did this happen? Was I high? I bet I was high. I mean there is no other explanation for this". I pointed  to my body. "Close. You kinda got into a chemical that made into a baby". Bruce said. "What"? I asked. "Yeah you even called Tony Dada". Pietro said laughing. "Oh god". I said. "But sadly it wore off. You were honestly a cute baby". Tony said. I bit my lips. "I'mma just go". I said. then I stopped. "Everyone out. I need to bath and burn these clothes". I said. Everyone left but Loki. Who just sat on my bed.  I looked at him and just shrugged. I took a hoodie, (f/c) T-shirt, underwear and a pair of jeans in my bathroom. After I while I felt clean and didn't have anything on my face so I got dressed and Loki was going threw my poems book.

"Ya know. It's bad to snoop". I said. "It's out in the open". Loki said. "Sure. And that do not touch note just dramatically feel to the floor". I said. "Ok, you got me my queen". He said. I started laughing and went to read. I started clicking my tongue and bouncing my leg. Weird habits of mines when I'm bored. Loki stared at me. "Can you not do that"? He asked. "What"? I asked. "The things". He said.  "Sorry". I said. I bit my lips a little to hard and it started bleeding I ignored this cause it's not the first time that happened. Loki took noticed to this and kissed my cheek. "Stop your bleeding love". He said.

"I do that once a mouth for 3 to 5 days". I said matter of a fact. Loki looked at me confused. "I'll explain when you're older". I told him. "I am thousands of years old". Loki said. "Wait. Is it even legal for us to date"? I said aloud to myself. "Yeah it is I'm 18 I'm legal". I answered my own question.

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