Chapter 6

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(Y/n) POV)

I woke up to the smell of waffles. I looked in the closet to find some clothes. (A/n the outfit above). I put the outfit on and went out. It took me about 3 minutes to find the kitchen because of the sweet smell.

"Morning my new daughter". Tony greeted. "I'm not your kid Tony, a matter of a fact I'm 18". "Doesn't matter. I'm Tony Stark genius billionaire". I rolled my eyes at that. I sat down between Pietro and Peter. Wanda was cooking waffles, bacon, and muffins.

I got my food and as soon as the plate touched the table Pietro ate his quickly. Natasha stole a piece of bacon from Steve's plate when he wasn't looking. I chuckled when I saw Clint steal a piece of Natasha bacon. He shushed me. I looked down to see Pietro stealing my bacon.

"Son of a bitch"! I whispered yelled so he can hear. "What, you didn't see that coming"? He smirked at me. My jaw dropped. Oh, my god, he said the line. I was fangirling in my head. But then I realized he took MY food. I felt warm inside. All of a sudden fire was in my hair. Everyone looked at me.

"I'm sorry". I quickly said. And the fire left I everyone nodded. Dude, I'm Johnny Storm. I thought. "(Y/n), you need to control your powers". Clint said. "I have more than one"! I got really excited. Everyone looked at me crazy. "Yeah, don't you remember you almost drowned Bucky. While you were sleeping one night". Natasha told me.

"Wow, I did"? Everyone nodded. "I'm really sorry, dude". I said. "It's ok (Y/n) you've already apologized 100 times". Bucky smiled as he said this. Then there was a crash. "Surprise motherfuckers". Wade yelled breaking a window and fallen into the room.

"Petey, (n/n), catch me"! He said aiming to fall on us. "Wade NO"!! Peter and I screamed. He fell on us he somehow landed perfectly and sat on top of us. He then pulled out a corn dog. And ate it while still sitting on us. "Wade get the hell off of me"! I yelled.

Wade got off of me and Peter and helped us up. He wrapped his arm around me. And started singing a whole new world. Loki lowly growled. But I heard a softly smiled at him. Wade let me go and grabbed Peter and started singing under the sea. After he finished his terrible singing. He grabbed me and Peter.

"Come on guys lets go to the arcade". Peter and I shook our heads in agreement. "No. You two got training". Steve said to us. "Yes so please leave mortal. I'm sure you have some kids to scar". Loki told him. "No. I'll just watch them train, they are my best friends". Wade said.

"Isn't that right Tom". Wade finished, My eyes widen. "Whose Tom"? Peter asked. "It's just Wade breaking the fourth wall". I stated nervously. "Sir Wade sure is a strange one". Thor said. "Aww. Thank, you beautiful soft baby". Wade said to Thor. I laughed at Thor's expression. We all walked to the training room.

"(Y/n) since you're really powerful you're going against Wade". Steve said I got nervous. 'Holy shit I'm gonna die". I stepped on the floor Wade was smiling under his mask. We started he shot me

"What the fucking hell, dude"! I yelled. But I didn't feel anything. "Wait I don't feel anything". I started twitching. " W-what the f-fuck"! I yelled then it healed. "Holy shit its Ticci Toby". Wade yelled playfully. I smirked and took the gun from him and shoot him in the head he went down.

I was still twitching a little. My eyes turned blue. "S-so whose *twitch* n-next *twitch*". It was like something took control of me. I had the biggest smile on me. Then I saw everyone's terrified face. And I stop. "Sorry". The twitching stopped. "Are you ok"? Peter asked me. "Wait that's never happened before"? I asked him. "Not the twitching". Wanda said. "Oh my God! I'm Ticci Toby".

Wade woke up "What the shit just happened"? "Is the twitching back (n/n) I thought you grew out of that Ticci". Wade said worriedly. "I guess it happens when I'm worked up". I said, "Oh and you slay in that outfit". Wade said making a Z snap motion I laughed at him.

Later that they Loki walked up and whispered-

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