Chapter 9

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(Y/n) POV)

I woke up at home but I don't remember walking here. I had hel-i mean school today so that's not awesome. I sat up did my morning routine and got into some clothes black hoodie, white jeans, and some black jordans. I went downstairs to see Wade swinging on my chandelier singing I came in like wrecking ball.

"What the- never mind I don't care". I said facepalming. "Hi (n/n), Petey's going to be here any minute". Wade jumped down and landed on his face.  I sighed and we waited for Peter who came 3 minutes later. "Sorry. I had a purse snatcher". He apologized. "Wow, it's just 8 o clock and people already being cunts"? "It seems like it". Peter said smiling at me.

We headed off to school made small talk to Wade brought up a topic. "So if I cut off my foot and like swing it at you am I like hitting or kicking you"? He asked. "You'll mostly just be mentally scarring me than anything else". I said and Peter nodded his head in agreement.

Then Wade brought up something else. "How were you and the ice prince's date"? He asked poking me on my side. "That wasn't a date I don't know what that was". I said. "But you guys all most skin smacked". He said.  Peter had the most disgusted look ever. "Dude we weren't even close to having-".  I was cut off my Wade. " So you guys weren't going to kiss"? He asked looking at me. "You were talking about kissing"? Peter and I asked.

"Yes, you guy were going to kiss skin smacked. What did you two think I was talking about"? "Nothing" Peter and I both said. "Yo Peter you science school is big". I told him. "Thanks". He responded. " You know what else is big-". I cut Wade off. "My love for Jesus Christ Amen ". I said. " I agree with that". Peter said.

We made it to our schools and I was going to go straight in when Wade stopped me. "(Y/n), You don't have to go. I know that you're-I know what you think about". Wade told me. I looked at him. How does he know about my depression problem i just found out they were real. And all because of a wish. "I find". I said smiling at him. " Well at least tell me who fucks you and I'll kill them". He said.

"Trust me......Wade, I'll kill them before you do". I said. Wade smiled and left. I walked into my college my hell. Well, hell wouldn't be that bad. I mean Crowley is fun. I laughed at my own joke. And went to the first period.

(Wade's POV)

I went to the tower. I know that (Y/n) lied. She is good but I've seen the pain in her eyes and her face laugh and forced smile. All the Avenger were there. Well, where else would they be Tony hasn't made anything for them to do. I came through the elevator to my own surprise. They looked over at me. "What do you want Wade"? Tony asked. "I kinda have a problem". I said. "And you're just finding that out now"? Sam said.

"Wade we don't have time to fix your mess". Steve said. "Listen it's about (Y/n)". That had got everyone's attention. "She is under depression and the kids at school abuse her. I swear when she comes from that place she has a stab wound or just looks sad". I said. "Stupid mortals mess with MY queen I will have their heads". Everyone looked at Loki.

"Easy there reindeer games, I'll just have some people look after her. Tony said. "We also tell her how much we care about her"! Thor boomed cheerfully. "So its a plan". Clint said. "Pietro go get everything that (Y/n) likes". Natasha said. "Gotta go fast". Pietro said and ran off. He then came back knocking Clint over. "What? You didn't see that coming"? He then speeded off again. "He is so grounded". Clint said, and Natasha helped him up. "(Y/n), gonna love this"? I said jumping up and down happily.

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