Chapter 7

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(Y/n) POV)

Loki leaned to me and Whispered. "Come with me". I got flustered and looked away. "Why"? I asked him. " Don't you trust me, Love"? He asked pushed up my chin to look him in the eyes. "S-sure". I stuttered out. 'Way to act cool (Y/n). Just wow'. Loki smirked and we teleported into the park.

"So why are we here"? I asked him as I sat down on a bench. The place was awesome. Lights were shining since it was dark. The big fountain it was just gorgeous. And the stars just tops it all off.

"I thought since midguardians like things that resemble there beauty maybe this would be an accurate place to take you". 'Wait did Loki just call me pretty on the low-key?' "So why did you bring me here? This place is beautiful". I asked him. He chuckled a little.

"You can't see what I see". He said smiling. "What do you see"? I asked him. "The beautiful, amazing, (h/c) haired girl, with the most gorgeous (e/c) eyes". I got flustered again. "Thank you". I mumbled looking anywhere put at him. He lifted my chin to look at him. "Please don't hide those beautiful eyes from me".

(A/n guys I never wrote anything romantic so can you tell me how this went)

He leaned in and so did I. Then the most unexpected thing happened. My phone ringed and we both pulled away. I looked at the contact name. " Son of a bitch, Tony"! I yelled frustrated. I answered. "(Y/n), Loki's gone missing get to the tower to help find him". I groaned into the phone. " Tony he's with me". I heard crashing in the background and then silence.

"Oh, ok have fun use protection". Before I could answer Tony hung up. I looked at Loki who got up. "We should probably get back to the tower". And with that, he grabbed my hand. When we got there Loki didn't let go of my hand until a minute had passed. "I gonna kick that alcoholics ass". I said that when Loki left.

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