Chapter 13

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(Y/n) POV)

Everyone was on a mission. But Tony, Wade, Peter, and Loki. So since in some magical way. Peter and I ended up babysitting everyone else. "How did the youngest people on this team be more responsible then the adults"? I asked Peter. "I don't know- WADE DON'T YOU DARE JUMP THREW THAT WINDOW"! Peter yelled at Wade. "Yeah its just- LOKI YOU BETTER NOT STAB TONY- TONY LEAVE LOKI ALONE AND STOP POKING HIM"! "I mean like how is a 16-year-old and an 18-year-old just babysit people over 30"? I asked Peter.

"I honestly don't know what the world has come to". Peter said. "I mean Wade's pretty old. Like 50 something and Loki's a god so like a thousand or something. And Tony's in his fifties". I said. "I am not in my fifties"! Tony yelled. "In your sixties"? Peter and I asked. "You know normal people would have gone down with the numbers". He said. Pouting. Wade was watching my little ponies. "I like the pink horse rainbow dash". Loki said. "That's pinkie pie". I said. "How dare you try to correct my pony knowledge mortal". Loki said to me getting up. "Loki sit yo ass down". I said pushing him down playfully and he fell down on the couch.

Loki pouted at i kissed his cheek. "Wade teach him about ponies". I told Wade. "On it boss". Wade said. And he was bouncing up an down like a kid. Loki surprisingly listened to Wade. And Peter and I went to go make dinner. "So what do you wanna cook (n/n)"? Peter asked. "Let's make grilled cheese and soup". I said. "Sure you get the soup and I'll get the grilled cheese"? Peter asked. "Ok". I said. We made the food. "Get your asses in here and eat"! I yelled. "Please". Peter said. I laughed at him.

They all came in. And ate. Well, Wade was trying to put a spider in Tony's soup. I let him. Tony screamed. Wade and Loki high fives. I guess their friends now. Cool. "Mr. Stark relax its fake". Peter said. Tony looked and saw it was rubber. I got him some more soup and we ate. "What are they doing on the mission anyway"? I asked. "They're going to a small country to shut down a hydra base". "And why couldn't you go Tony". I asked. "Because Wade made me accidentally blow up a military base". Tony said. "It was quite funny. You should have seen Rogers reaction". Loki said.

"And why can't you go Loki"? I asked him. "Because I was the one who told Wade there was what he likes to call chimichangas. In the military base". Loki said. "And you know me (n/n) I like explosions". Wade said. After we ate i hung out with Loki. "My queen, will you do me the honor of becoming Mine"? Loki asked.

A. Hell yes!


C.kiss him and don't say anything.

You decide

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