Chapter 1

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(Y/n) POV)

Hi, I'm (Y/N). I'm broken and sad I'm bullied and my parents died long ago. I'm 18 know still in school and here is where my story begins.

The bell sounded I quickly packed my bag and tried to get out of this hell hole. But sadly I was stopped. By one of my bullies Jenny. "Yo freak where you going?" She said smirking at me. "Nowhere" I sighed.

I really didn't want to deal with this I just wanted to go to my house eat some food, then have a MARVEL marathon. "Good I got some work you need to do." She laughed and pushed the textbooks to me. I was starting to have enough of this. "No," I said pissed off. "What!?" She said bowling up her fist. "I said no hoe" I was gonna get beat up one way or another might as well speak my mind.

"You little jerk!" She yelled at me. "If I'm a jerk, then your a bitch." I said thinking about Supernatural. She slapped me and I flinched I didn't have friends to help me. She grabbed a knife out of her pocket. "I'm gonna enjoy this." She smirked she stab me in the leg. I yelled in pain and students heard and told the teachers. Well, one student told the teacher, the others just watch me get hurt.

Jenny ran off teachers offered me some help but I just wanted to go home. It's not the first time I was stabbed you don't get used to the pain but I do have a medical kit at home. A teacher drove me home because I refused to go to the hospital, those places freak me out.

I walked into my room. My family was rich I inherited all the money so I had a big house more like a mansion. It was my mom and dad's I refused to give it up. I stitched up my wound. And watched Thor Ragnarok. I sat there and thought. If I had a hero as a friend maybe I'll have someone to talk to. Or they can just kick my bullies ass.

Maybe one day right. "I wish MARVEL's was real." I sighed and went to take a shower and silently cried when the water hit my wound.

(A/n guys I'm sorry if this sucked I'm not used to writing like that. Peace)

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