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(Y/n) POV

I was walking to my room I haven't seen Loki in a minute. I wonder what he's doing, probably something.... Loki like. I walked off to the living room and saw Peter. "Yo Parker"! I yelled. Peter looked at me and smiled, he is my second bff. I looked to see what he we watching then I saw something terrible. "No! No! What the shit mint is that shit"! I yelled Peter looked at the TV. "That's some new show called apple and onion". Peter said. The apple and onion was sing about tossing a bottle. "This is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. They act like pedophiles, Cartoon Network just letting people down". I said shaking my head. "It just came on after amazing world of gum ball". Peter said. "Oh, well that's the shit". I said laughing.

"Have you seen Wade lately". Peter asked. "Nope". I said. "Do you think he's in trouble"? Peter asked. We looked at each other the bursted out laughing. "Of course he is its Wade Wilson". I said. "I can hear you assholes". Wade popped out of the vents. "Now cuddle me". Wade said. "Not it"! I shouted. "Wait what"? Peter said. Wade hugged him, I laughed when Peter pulled me over to Wade another arm with his webs. "Wow! Bitch move dude". I said. "So Wade,  where ya been"? I asked. "Tracking down some blind lawyer dude I had to kill, but Daredevil kept popping up every time I look away and the man disappeared. And worst its the stupid Avengers fault, cause they just have to have a fight with a giant green lizard while I'm trying to make money". Wade pouted while talking.

I looked at Wade. Was he just trying to kill Matt Murdock? Wait I've read this comic wasn't Peter there too. And didn't Wade meet some magic dude? Plus didn't Thor us his lighting to disintegrate them and they ended up being in the same body? You know what I don't care. "Ok". I said. "My queen". I heard. I looked and saw Loki. He stopped and smiled warmly at me. "The Avengers have seem to be not here,  would you three like to prank them"? Loki asked. "Fuck yeah". Wade said. We all got up and got to work on a great prank.

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